Chapter 3

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It's been a while since I updated but I feel good about the chapter now so it's finally up and the next one is already starting to be made. 

There happens to be a multi-lingual pun (sort of) somewhere inside the chapter that I thought was quite interesting because I did it by accident and then noticed that it was kind of a pun.

Anyways, I am back from the worst  camping trip ever- not that it was camping because it was outward bound Croatia which was just hell on earth. So, you can ask me about it and I will tell you all about why after four days in the wilderness the prospect of a zombie apocalypse starting really does not look so hot to me. (You should have seen how I got us lost) Anyways, if you were to look at me now I think I would scare you away with the sheer amount of bites I have on my face and the fact that my hands look like they are diseased

Also, if you haven't noticed or I haven't told you check out the extra content stories for a little extra that doesn't really have to do with this story line. Requests are taken. By that I mean if you want to have this chapter in Michael Blue's point of view or something then ask me and I can maybe write it. There is one condition though, if I tell you it will not be written, I have a good reason for it and if you knew half the thoughts I have about this book/universe (yes, I went there) then you would understand.

Alright, happy reading and try to look for the pun



Chapter 3

I don't know what was more surprising when I got home: The fact Red was physically in my house, or the fact that he had no grand entrance in which he had made and was instead just sitting at my desk flicking paper footballs at the infamous trash can.

"I see you followed the directions," stated Red while flicking another paper football at the bin only to miss drastically, "I'm surprised, honestly, I am. Well, I'll just let you round up the stunky's in your bushes on your own then."

Of course, how could I have forgotten the number one rule: Red always makes an entrance.

"Figures that only you would be that much of an idiot!" I joked dramatically.

Red just shook his head and asked, "So, how was your day in disguise?"

"So, that's why you're here," I sighed, pretending I didn't want him there,"well, if I were you I would start running and leave Kanto as soon as you can. I'm being rather nice right now and giving you a head start before you come to your doom."

Red laughed and retorted, "Well, it certainly wasn't that bad......especially since you're giving me a head start."

"I'm not happy with you almost pushing me into a pond. You're lucky that imbecile Blue broke my roll......otherwise there would be no head start and your safety guarantee would be reduced from 80% to 40%. I would probably also maim you for the stupidity of the event."

"However," Red said nervously as he backed up towards the window, "you didn't go splash in the pond. Instead you took off from the nest like a graceful birdie.....sort of."

I snorted, "Hence why you are currently living."

"Do I need to start running to Jhoto yet, ice mistress?" Asked Red, who was trying to open the window.

I replied with a smirk, "Nah, you get to keep your life today, on the price that you remove all damages and/or pokemon you have added anywhere around my house without adding anything else......or else."

Red shuddered at the "or else" and saluted me like I was the best four star general who ever lived while he said, "Yes m'am General Sharp m'am, is there anything else you need today."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, I want ice cream, do you think you can handle yourself if we go get some in Vermillion? Can you handle yourself in public?"

Red smiled and I felt reasonably confident that he wouldn't try anything, so I went to my room and changed. As I was changing, I started to think of what happened with Michael Blue once we left the alleyway together. Luckily, he hadn't noticed when I had returned Gardevior to her pokeball. Strangely enough, all he did was give me a curt nod, take my pokegear, and run off after he gave it back to me. He gave me no words after we left, all he did was give me his number, which I didn't dare call. Honestly this guy was rather scary in that regard.

The outfit I had changed in was rather casual, for me at least. I wore noir ballet flats with grey knee length capris. On top I wore an emerald green top that looked like, to me, the deepest and darkest parts of the jungle. It was partially covered by a black shawl to keep myself warm, since the waterfront would most likely be cold because of the wind from the ocean.

Finished with changing into my clothes, I had Gardevior teleport Red and I back again to Vermillion city. Even though it was 1 in the morning, the pokemart was open and so I bought three tubs of ice cream flavors - stantler tracks, milktank's milk and cookies, and red velvet cake, also grabbing free plastic spoons. Red had insisted since he had forced me to do the day; however, I wanted to take the ice cream home so I bought it.

Wind swept across the harbor and us as we chose a place to sit, take off our shoes, and dangle our feet in the cold water of the shining harbor. Even though it was late, the harbor was always one of the best hanging out spots. In the morning, it was busy with tourists with looks of excitement and joy on their faces as they looked around the city. In the afternoon, anyone could just sit and look at the sea for hours upon hours and just listen to the noises. At sunset and until about 9, people would eat dinner and couples would stare romantically the night lights. After 9, the place would empty out, but the lights would stay on for the rest of the night and so it was one of the best places to visit for some silent peace or to talk with someone alone.

Red broke me out of my thoughts by asking, "So, who'd you meet that's got you so tied up?"

I looked at his curious eyes with surprise. I was certainly not tied up. Tied up would be liking someone. Even with Michael Blue being like a superhero coming to my rescue like a damsel in distress, I was not a damsel in distress and did not need anyone saving me. Oh, who was I kidding I needed someone to help me with the paperwork and complications with the championship and then he just slammed into me. Literally. However, I wouldn't let Red get satisfaction and so I said with confidence, "Nobody has me tied up."

Red burst out laughing as he opened the stantler tracks and stuck his spoon in stating nonchalantly, "That was 15 seconds between when I asked you and you answered."

I opened the red velvet cake and said before taking a bite, "I did not!"

"You did, I timed you," he then proceeded to eat a spoonful and said, "So, did he ask you out or does he want to be just friends? Tell the love doctor, girlfriend."

"I'm not going to say what I think of that," I answered back shaking my head, "I'm not into him like that. Besides, we aren't even friends. We are just going to be fellow team rocket hunting acquaintances. He's too insufferable to be friends with, not to mention mean! He called me "an insignificant Bond girl of the episode", how mean can you get?"

Red busted out laughing, disturbing some wingull sleeping on the harbor posts. He then chortled, "Wow, that's ironic. I find it funny that you don't want to admit you made a friend-."

I cut him off saying, "He is not a friend, we are simply friends with benefits......for hunting team rocket," I widened my eyes in shock, realizing what I had just said and fixing by stating at Red's laughter, "No! I don't mean like that! Okay, I'm just going to be quiet here and let you ask the questions."

He shook his head and questioned, "Okay, so you clearly have an interesting friendship with the particular male in question, how did you come about to joining forces against team rocket with him?"

I looked at the sea, running my hands through my loose hair and said, "I don't want to talk about it. It's really stupid. However, he's an expert and I know I want his help for however long it's going to take. I'm going to need it. I meet with him tomorrow so you better not show up!"

The change of dynamic in the conversation surprised even myself. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable with it, I just didn't want to talk about it. However, it came out that way and I had to talk about it that way. Red though, changed the topic to one that was pretty taboo by saying, "You know, if you are going to continue, you are going to have to start flying on a regular basis. I know you were nervous when we went down to get your outfit, but you are going to have to do it, and at longer distances too. It's going too be conspicuous to take Gardevior everywhere. You are going to have to start with a new team, meaning no frosslass, wartortle, dragonite, and bellossom with you. You know, I don't get how you beat me with that team selection, it's so unbalanced."

I raised my eyebrow and said jokingly before getting back on topic,"You know, type advantage doesn't matter at all. I do get what you're saying though. The only other problem I could ever think of is schedule though. What's coming up in the near future, since you were ripping my office apart?"

Red answered, "Well, you need to talk to Lt. Surge some about the Great War, he's a lot older than he looks and he doesn't want to risk anyone knowing about the Alzheimer's so you have to do it secretly. Plus, Lance wants to talk about the ownership of Mt. Silver since I wouldn't budge with my decision last time. Do me a favor, Mt. Silver is my mountain and I refuse to let it go to the hands of Jhoto. If it does, I'll stand at the top and wait for someone worthy to challenge me for the rights over the mountain. Also, Mt. Moon on Saturday?"

"Sure, next time though, let's do some of victory road or go to Jhoto. I wish I could go to Sinnoh and Hoenn to climb though. However, you know I can't go there yet because my official visit occurs next week, two days after my birthday, just for the sake of noting it, and I want to go to Mt. Coronet now because I can afford to go there. Plus, Hoenn is in too much of an economical crisis at the moment for me to go visiting there, the other regions would think I'm in an alliance and that is so not happening. I mean, they would absolutely forbid it. Look at what's going on with Unova, they have been forbidden all connection with Hoenn to help them economically because of the rumors of what happened during the Great War. You know, they call the whole process in some local dialect. It's called "no Anschluss" or something like that," I replied while sighing.

Red looked at me seriously, "I don't get why you're jealous Crys, the only place more I can go is Sinnoh because I'm certainly not going to risk my life in Hoenn, who knows what's going on there. I mean, they still have some of the film industry but it's all broken. Though, speaking of local dialects, I ran into this Hoennese man the other day."

I stared at Red as if he had two heads, Hoennese were rather rare to see anywhere near Sinnoh, Kanto, and Kalos because of predominant hatred towards them. Even though the three were richer countries, especially Kanto, who had been starting to rise slowly and surely out of an economic crisis that originated some time in the period the champion Harama Christopher Hoorson was in power, who was the champion before Red. Who wasn't talked about much due to the hatred that is felt by all citizens to him, and was only mentioned when people questioned his fleeing flight from the gracefulness of indigo plateau. However, getting back to the root of it all, the Honnese were oppressed in a way which prevented their immigration, especially in Kanto who had the least faith in these people, myself somewhat included. They meant usually trouble, and I knew it well.

Though I asked Red with utter curiosity, "What did he say?"

"Oh, I have no clue what it meant, " Red smirked, "but he said something along the lines of, "Du böse Führer! Verblute Sangre Red!" I don't know what it meant, but he sounded mad. I kind of like the Honnese dialect though."

"Oh shut up you idiot!" I laughed while yelling at him and waving around my spoon after I ate some ice cream.

He retorted with, "Oh yeah, we'll see how much of an idiot I am when I reach the top of mount moon before you!"

My eyes immediately widened and I claimed, "Pssh, I could beat you in my sleep!"

"Do you want to test that theory on Saturday?" Red asked.

My eyes widened and I said, "You couldn' are never coming into my house while I'm sleeping again. Boobytrapping me into my own house is not cool Red. I'm glad you felt the consequences."

Red shook his head and said, "Alright, but we should probably go, so you don't sleep in when you should meet the Blue James Bond tomorrow. What did he call you, "an insignificant Bond girl"? I have to meet this guy."

"Yeah, whatever, let's just go before you get any more ideas tomorrow," I huffed in annoyance towards Red.

"No need to get so worked up, it's your bed time missy miss," informed Red.

I rolled my my sleeves and adjusted my hair as I got up to throw away the now finished tub of ice cream. I then joined Red as we were teleported to my house. He boarded his charizard and I watched him fly away as I sat in my bedroom. I then changed into my pajamas and laid in bed for a while.

As I laid and stared at the ceiling I thought of my day. I believe the only way to describe what I was feeling was overwhelmed. I mean honestly, who could deal with a press conference, joining a team rocket hunt, as well as having to deal with other international arrangements and a conversation at 2 am with Red all in one day. Oh well, I would just have to go with the flow and see how the meeting would turn out the next day.


Something that was always interesting about pokemon centers, is that they were notorious for being meeting spots in any region. Personally, I never understood the craze. I mean, why would people want to meet, hang around at, and book rooms in a hospital? It took the concept of youth hostels to a whole new level. However, it was a normal custom for trainers so I found myself standing inside the one in Saffron City to look for Michael Blue.

Stepping in after glancing that infamous orange roof, I looked around the noisy mess of the pokemon center. Of course, even as champion I would do nothing against the chaos, as it was normal and fundamental to all trainers. I was certainly used to it when I was a trainer, and it to do with where I met one of the people I treat as a long friend lost now.

The day I met Luke Amarillo was a rather bleak one for me. I had just lost my battle for 7th gym badge and was probably going to have to train for weeks in order to go again at it. By this point, it was coming up soon on my 15th birthday, but I still determined to beat the league, even though I was young I had begun to actually see the situation around me. The region was in economic ruins and the current champion, Harama Hoorson wasn't doing anything about it.

Of course, that was when my determination to fix the region started. I recognized the problems that were surrounding us and I wanted to go after, and fix them, regardless of how young I was. I didn't know when I actually noticed this burning desire within me, but after I did my entire team and myself were determined beyond belief for everything that I would be in that office making the rules someday.

One of the things that I would do to make myself remember what I wanted, and also for a moment of self reflection was to make myself look at my badge case. My badge case was the thing I had out when Luke Amarillo sat down beside me on the couch. My 6 badges gleamed brightly as I had recently polished them, making them look brand new.

Looking from the badge case to me, and lifting my chin with his fingers he explained, "What is a pretty girl like you looking at a badge case with such worry for?"

"Oh," I laughed, "it's really nothing you should trouble yourself with. You don't know me, it's rude to invite strangers into your problems."

He had raised his eyebrow then as he revealed, "My name's Luke Amarillo. Now we are not strangers and you can tell me what is wrong."

I sighed and replied, "Ok, my name is Crystal Sharp, and I just lost the battle for my 7th badge. I am trying to figure out what to do next."

"Well, there is only one thing to do get up and try again." ordered Luke, as he then asked, "You want to be champion right?"

"Of course," I beamed, "Do you think I should challenge the gym again? Or should I head onwards to the next?"

Amarillo smiled, "Well, try challenging this one again. I'll be here to support you. I'll be there with you every step of the way to the championship."

My eyes widened as I said,"You really mean it?"

"Of course," promised Luke, "of course."

What a load of tauros that was. Two weeks later, and five days before my birthday Red took the role as champion. I had to completely start over collecting badges. Luke was there on my birthday, and gave me a new bag and a beautiful set of jade earring from Jhoto, which he had told me before was his home land. His breaking of promises happened two days after my birthday though, when he just left without a trace. It was like he was there one moment and gone the next. No notes, no anything...he was just gone like the wind. I never heard from him again, even in four years.

The search around the pokemon center was short, as rather ironically I found Michael closing his badge while sitting on the couch. He was talking to a blonde haired woman and laughing. Involuntarily, I headed over to the couch where the blonde looked at me with a smirk and Blue looked at her.

I sat down as the blonde said, "So, when Blue told me you'd be joining us for today, I didn't know that he would actually invite a girl. I'm impressed. Now, do you know what the objective for today is?"

I stared at the crazy lady who hadn't even bothered to introduce herself while I decided to say almost non-chalantly, "Hello, my name is C-Lucy Greene."

My raced as I realized that I almost let my name slip because I was thinking of Luke and the past. However, Michael then said, "This is Victoria White. Though, many call her Winger, myself included. She's a master flyer, and she is going to test your skills today."

Victoria smiled as she started to drag me out of the door. "You know, I was excited that Michael is going to test you. Well, more me. Don't worry, we aren't going to battle, he's convinced you can do that well already, though I don't know why, I wanted to battle you. Instead though, he told me he wanted you to do something else."

"What is that?" I asked with some fear.

"Well, it's time to test the bond you share with that new vulpix of yours," said Michael, "I know, you only met it yesterday, but I have a theory and Victoria is going to help me test that. Winger, should we begin?"

Michael motioned for the pokeball of vulpix, which was only one of the two that I happened to have on my belt. To my surprise, he didn't open it. Instead, Victoria's blue-brown ones flashed with glee as she brushed aside the bottom hem of her brown aviator's coat to reveal a plain white t-shirt and brown leather belt which held up her black pants that were tucked into hiking boots. She pulled out the first pokeball of her six and let it open to reveal a fearow.

"Alright fearow, you know what to do." She said as she boarded the the giant bird. As she took off she circled around, picking me up. The action was familiar to me, as it reminded me of a ranger I once met when I was in Almia. The whole rangering thing happened after Luke disappeared and Kanto started to recover, so I decide to try and input elsewhere, which happened to be the ranger base in Vientown. Though, through the entire thing, even as I enjoyed doing captures and all those types of things with my pokemon and especially in the last 6 months, I felt as if there was something missing to that lifestyle. So, I left with all the Rangers saying that if I should ever need I could easily come back.

We flew to the entrance of a dojo in town and walked in. It was old and in run down condition with beams sticking up from the floor. Winger took my hand and made me sit down on one of the beams.

"So," she said, "I bet you are wondering what all of this is about. I suppose it must all seem so random to you. I mean, being dragged through the city and being sat down in this random old dojo. I bet you think you'll have to do something completely crazy. Don't worry, it's not how it's going to be."

I looked at her and confessed, "I'm beginning to honestly wonder if asking to join the cause was even the most sane thing. That was certainly not the Michael Blue I met. He literally insulted me to all get out. Then the next time I meet him he's a total hero, well he was the last time because he patched up my nose but still. Seeing him like this again is strange. I don't even know you and yet here I am sitting in an old dojo, not even knowing what's going on and accepting that I am completely vulnerable. I would say I'm being a little more trusting than I should."

Victoria scratched the back of her head awkwardly while explaining, "Oh yeah, Michael just wants to see if your vulpix trusts you enough to find its way back to you. He believes that pokemon sense if people are prone to doing bad actions. I said to him that I didn't believe in that as much as he did so he told me to find some other way to evaluate you. Which, I decided would be to have a conversation with you. You seem like you are nice enough to join the team I guess."

I was in disbelief. From the naive tone in her voice to the way she would occasionally play with her hair or her finger I could tell she had no clue what she was doing. She was so brimming with innocence that it was obvious that she had either no experience evaluating a person or had never been truly wronged in her life. Though, my bet was on the first one because after all we were hunting team rocket and no one could ever go to that length without an interesting backstory to go with it, myself included of course. There was one more conclusion to draw from her stance to it.

"You've never had anyone ask to join you before," I evaluated, saying the sum of all of my observations in one sentence. It suddenly made sense why she was so excited and had known what to do, they were rehearsing what they would do last night so they could evaluate my skill-set. Of course, my thoughts were then transformed into ones of if it was worth it or not to remain with them since they obviously weren't experienced enough.

Winger confirmed my doubts as she questioned, twirling her hair nervously, "How did you know that?"

"I'm observant," I said, unamused.

Though, this seemed to strengthen Winger's resolve as she declared," I swear on my title as Victoria Winger that Blue and I are the best. We just have never considered other members before so when you requested I, I mean we were really excited to have someone though we thought that we couldn't trust you completely so we just had to make sure you weren't a member of an evil syndicate or anything like that. Plus, Blue scares everyone off so I just had to meet whoever would contribute into the cause long enough to deal with how Blue treats strangers and all. He's a lot more closed off than he used to be you know. Him and his lucario are still tight though."

The girl tended to ramble more and more as she became nervous under my gaze. I had no problems with Michael Blue. In fact, I decided that he gave off the kind of air that you knew that he would be trouble to mess with. It had nothing to do with the conversations between myself and him, but just a general feeling that was always so palpable in the air.

I had no problems with the girl, as I could tell she was one of those people who looked ditzy on the outside but had lots of potential on the inside. After all, she had the title and the confidence she gave off earlier suggested only that the particular elements of the conversation were ones that she was uncomfortable with and that she would serve better elsewhere.

So, the two of them could potentially be worth it, all that was left would be to decide which risk to take. If I would leave them I would have to find another way to go after the crime syndicate. If I would stay with them I would have the problem of having people would could possibly be the key to absolutely nothing and wasting my time on ineffective methods to help remove crime. I could be weeks in with nothing. My decision would have to be how much I would want to put at stake while being undercover in the first place.

The decision was easy. All I had to do like the last time I encountered Blue was decide, "Well, what are you waiting for, am I a member or not? I made my choice, now make yours."

Victoria looked at me with her eyes glassed and excitement in her voice as she cheered, "You're going to join. Wow, that's great, I certainly think you passed my evaluation and I will fight for you to stay with us even if Michael's crazy theory doesn't work out."

"Alright, sounds good. He seems pretty determined though. I would be curious to hear what he has to say about me," I said with my energy starting to crash a little.

Winger took this as an opportunity to talk girly like while answering, "I was surprised when he actually mentioned you. He claimed you were someone who actually takes supreme interest in politics and events of what happens in the country. He also said that-"

I payed less and less attention to her words as I layed back on a beam and closed my eyes. However, right as I was about to slip out of consciousness I heard a creak and witnessed as my vulpix opened the door to the dojo and scrambled to my arms. Blue smirked as he walked over and handed me the pokeball which I returned vulpix to.

"You passed," Blue said with a firm tone in his husky voice as I clipped the pokeball to my belt.

Victoria and Michael left me there in the dojo smiling, as I had requested that it would be best for me to sleep soon. It was a good day, and I was feeling happy with my choice. Our hunt together to stop the likes of team rocket would begin soon.

Little did I know, something was happening under my nose within the same exact moments.

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