Info for the ✨Names✨/Roles

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So, we got 20 different countrys. Wich are gotten these names!

Austria-Hungary: Sebastian♂️ (medic)
German Empire: Gilbert♂️ (detective)
Russian Empire: Alexander♂️(survivor)
Ottoman Empire: Deniz♂️(survivor)
Third Reich: Hans💀♂️(murder)
USSR: Stepan♂️(murder)
Fascist Italy: Leonardo♂️(chef)
Impernal Japan: Ichika♀️(artist)
French Empire: Lya♀️(survivor)
British Empire: William🧐♂️(detective assistant)
SPQR: Oliver♂️(survivor)
Hellenic Empire: Iris♀️(gardener)
Tsardom of Bulgaria: Boyana♀️(survivor)
Kingdom of Serbia: Bojan♂️(Assasin)
Montenegro: Branimir♂️(Spy)
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Antoni🗿♂️(survivor)
Quin-Dynasty: Donghai♂️(survivor)
Korean Empire: Chae-Yeong♀️(assasin)
Spanish Empire: Carlos♂️ (waiter)
Kingdom of Portugal: Beatriz♀️(maid)

Almost all of it are Males! Only 6 girls out of 20! DANGGG
Info: wich is are in these () thoose are theirs role!
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