Day 2

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-Good morning players! I hope yall haved a good night! But for some sad news, Yesterday has been 4 players Emilinated. Wich players was, Alexander, Antoni, Donghai and Boyana. Today, we're starting with voting, and after that, into my office, please come here... Branimir! So, who you want to vote out?

Everybody was quiet, or just tired. After that, the tall german spoke:

-I guess I suspects... Bojan. He was the only 1 who came down later then us.
-Шта?! It's not me!
-Well then, prove it!
-I was in the male bathroom after dinner.
-Okay players, so, who votes on Bojan?

Of the 16 players, 4 peoples voted on him: Gilbert, Sebastian, Deniz, and William.

-Okay, and who are skipping or vote anybody other?

The last 12 people skipped, nobody has been voted out. After the voting, everybody goed to do theirs OWN thing. Meanwhile with Branimir. Branimir was the first to saw the creator in real. And then she started speaking

-So, Branimir. You're the spy. Am i right?
-Y-yes Ma'am! But, how do you kno-
-I am the creator, how shall i know it?
-Right.... And what shall i can do?
-Everynight you able to check the cameras and see wich players are the assasins. At nights you got the cameras, and in the morning, i got back the cameras. So for short, you can see who are the assasin. Got it?
-Oh, yes!
-Great, now you can go.
-Thank you miss!
-Just, call me Creator, kérlek? (please)
-Oh, okay.

After Branimir leaved the room, he had to find where are the others, plus he had to eat breakfast too. He forgot about to he has to eat. So, he headed to the cafeteria, but he saw Hans murdered Beatriz infront of him.

-Well Hans... I was at the "creator" to talk about my role. And now, i go tell to somebody you're an
-Scheiße.... I'm screwed as heck-

Branimir grabbed his food, and leaved the german in the cafeteria with the "dead" body, and then, he vent to the library, where he found Gilbert and William talking about something.

-Okay, so, have you found any clue sir
-Nein. Oh, hey Branimir! How was the schperchen
-Good, i guess...But i found out something bad..
 -Oh Ja? Und what is it
-Well, Gilbert, your twin is an murder...
-W-Was? You must be kidding? Right? RIGHT
-Branimir, you're telling the truth
-Yes. I'm telling the truth. But i guess his teammate is going to kill me. Because i found out he was an murder
-I go ask Sebastian to choose you to save ya mate. Good job!

William leaved the room to find the Austro-Hungarian doctor. Meanwhile with the other 2 boys, Gilbert didn't trust in Branimir, because he suspect his own twin brother. The german grabbed the other boy, and pick him up and Pushed to the wall.

-Look at me. I don't trust you, but if he tries to kill you, The next day, we vote him out. But if not, you get voted out, deal?
-Uhh, yes sir!

He put down Branimir after the dealing. Meanwhile with William, he tried to find the Doctor. He checked everywhere, bathroom, toilets, bedrooms, just only the garden not, so he decided to go outside. He almost was outside, he just heared someone was talking, Sebastian and Bojan. The two guy has been angry for each other for some reasons.

-Was?! I didn't do anything!
-Don't lie to me you Blind B*!
-Aye! Bojan! What the heck are you doing?!
-Oh, hey William, am just... Doing things, wanna join beat this dumba**?
-What? No! Just, get the hell out of here.
-Ugh, fine...

After Bojan leaved, Sebastian's left eye was in blood, plus he cried too. I helped him to get up, he was a little bit shaky, i can't do anything of Bojan is one of my teammates.

-Danke, and what did you wanted to say?
-First, no problem, second Branimir are in a big danger, he found out Hans is one of murders, you  had to save him before his teammate murders him.
-Got it, just firstly, can i go to the bathroom? I just want to see my eye...
-Yea sure! Come with me.

Meanwhile with some otger teams/players, Iris, Ichika and Lya was bored as Hell. Ichika got bored of making some Manga arts, Iris has been already done with the garden, Lya has nothing to do. And then they realizes everyday the whole game got an Quest. The three girls runned down the stairs with full speed, and first who grabbed the quest was Ichika. She started to read the quest:

-If you're e reading this, you got the first Task, where am i? Small and Roomy, but in real life, i'm big and Messy. Any ideas?
-Big and messy... I know! The basement! In mind you tought it's small and roomy, but it's big and messy!
-Good point Iris! Let's go!

The there girl starts to go in the basement, and Lya saw William with Sebastian. Before they go inside the basement, they want to talk with the boys.

-Bonjour William, and Seba- SACRE BLEU! YOUR EYE!
-Yea yea, it's looks scary, and please, i don't wanna talk about...
-Intresting, yo, british man, could you explain how happened this to his eye?
-Well, our teammate, Bojan, did this.

The 2 girls grabbed the japanese girl wich is was a little anger issue. And finally they found the basement, wich was found an body, who was it? Totally Deniz. The türkish boy just sleeping on the floor, meanwhile he's laying on the ketchup.

-Uhhhh, well, now we know, Deniz are eliminated.
-I agree, just let's find the Second task.

The three girl started to Explore the basement. They almost spend 2 hours to find the paper, but finally, Lya found it.

-Okay, girl? Shall we countine tommorow? I'm tired as heck.
-Ugh, fine, but wich one of us get the paper?
-Well, goodluck for it Iris.

The three girls stopped the quest, meanwhile with the 2 murders, Hans was super angry, because at the morning Branimir found out he's an murder. Stepan got bored and murdered Deniz for no reason. Wich was Hans very angry, because he said to him he had to kill Branimir. At night, Branimir was awake, he waited to the creator to give him the cameras, but then, he got em finally. He saw nothing all night, so he had to go sleep, he was very tired after this day.

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