Day 1

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Every player has been woke up in a unknowed hotel. They was confused how in the mother life did they teleport here. Once, on a TV did a woman, and her voice came from.

-Hello, and Welcome here players! Today, you gonna play "That Surviving Game"! This is an game, wich is everybody got an role, or, you guys can this game call it "roleplay", but it's totally not. The roles are smiple.

-Wich player are gotten stabbed/killed, those are eliminated

-Everyday, you got breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And to sleep, everybody has to find a room with their team, wich you guys can make it.

-The other players wich got an role, they can do what i say. I choose one player wich i bring with myself to my office.

-Every morning, after breakfast, one of you guys can voted out. If nobody or Anyone got voted out, the game countines.

-Plus, everyday you guys get an Quest!

-And before i forgot, no sexual dominant.

So, that's all players, goodluck! And have "fun".

After the "creator" turned off the TV, the players looked theirs pocket, they found theirs role, and the belonging stuff for it. Like, the murders got an knife, or wich weapon what they want. The medic an aid kit. The detective an briefcase. The chef a cooking set, plus the whole kitchen. Asssasins an knife, and blah blah blah.

The teams built like this:

 -Team 1: Sebastian, Gilbert, Deniz and Boyana

-Team 2: Alexander, William, Lya, Bojan and Branimir

-Team 3: Hans, Stepan, Leonardo and Ichika

-Team 4: Oliver, Iris, Antoni, Carlos and Beatriz

-Team 5(or duo): Donghai and Chae-Yeong.

The Teams are ready, they starting to explore the empty hotel. Oliver, Iris, Antoni, Carlos and Beatriz are starting to explore the 1st floor, and they found an empty hotelroom wich there was two bunk bed, and an baby bed. They choosed wich one of us will sleep inside the baby bed, wich is was Antoni. The poor polish-lithuanian guy.
At the asean duo, they started an quest wich they found an luxury hotelroom. Inside the room, there was everything. Meanwhile with team 1, they just walked around the hotel 2nd floor. They found the janitor, the bathroom, (the players got only 1 bathroom) and a random camera at the wall. Team 2 just talked in a hotelroom. Alexander has to go in the bathroom to do his thing. He leaved his team, and behude him was Stepan. After the two male entered the toilet, the soviet male murdered the other russian male. Before he wanted to leave the toilet, he washed down the "blood" wich is was on his hand.

-You're an Засранец! (asshole)
-I don't think so, it's just a game Товарищ(comrade).

After he leaved the room, it was lunch time. Every team goed to the cafeteria, just only Alexander not. Team 2 has been thinking, where are the russian teammate? Meanwhile with the asean duo, Donghai wanted to walk a little bit, Chae-Yeong agreed and goed with his teammate after eating. Meanwhile with team 3, they all was bored. So, what shall they can do? Talking.

-Okay, so what are your role Leo?
-I am the chef, i have to cook everyday! I made the lunch too!
-Sucks for you.
-Okay, Ichika?
-Nice? Ugh, Stepan?
-Same. My stupid twin are the detective-
-Wait? You mean, Gilbert is the detective? And who is his assistant?
-Ich weiß es nicht.

With team 4 are just play some UNO because at theirs room they found an whole UNO inside an cabin. Oliver always lost the round, because he never played with these cards. Team 1 has been finally done with the lunch, Leonardo maked too much food for everybody. Later, the players was really bored, they didn't know what shall they can do. But Antoni came up with an Idea.

-Lisent here everybody! I know what shall we can do! Let's play Hide&Seek! Anybody wanna start?
-Да , ја!
-Fantastyczny!  Well, Bojan will start the hunting! Count to 100. No cheathing.

Bojan started the long counting, everybody hided at the whole map. Ichika, Iris and Bojana hided outside in the storage. Sebastian, Gilbert and William hided at the Library. Meanwhile with Deniz, Leonardo and Branimir they found an "dead" body in the toilet.

-So that's why was not at lunch Alexander.
-Shall we tell it someone? Or hide somewhere else?
-After the game ended, we tell it everybody. But first, let's leave the room, because someone finds us here, it shall think one of us the murder.
-I agree

Donghai, Chae-Yeong and Lya goed to the cafeteria. Wich there was Beatriz who was cleaning with Carlos. They didn't know what are the others doing.  Stepan, Hans and Antoni goed in a "secret room". And Hans murdered Antoni infront Stepan.

-Kurva! I thought you both were survivors!
-Nein, we are murders du dummkopf.
-Да, you messed up this little guy.

The two murder leaved the room with the polish-lithuanian guy. Bojan started the finding. He started with the garden. He looked every single bush, tree, but he didn't looked the storage. Gotcha! Three player in 5 minutes.  He countuned to find the campers. He didn't find anybody else outside, so he decided to go back to the hotel. He started with the main floor. He checked the lobby first, then the bathrooms. Nobody hided here. He countined with the cafeteria, where he found other 3 players. Donghai, Chae-Yeong and Lya. 6 player have been founded by him. Meanwhile with the boy trio, they was literally bored.

-Scheiße, Ayo William! What's your role?
-Detective assistant, you?
-Wait, you're my assistant?! No no no no no, why him?!
-Bloody hell, and you Sebastian?
-Medic, i got a whole first aid box. I can think wich player shalk i save.
-Ooh, that's OP!
-Ja, i know.

Soon it started to begin night. Bojan gived up, the players wich was hiding, they come out of theirs places, only Antoni not. He has been hiding, like Alexander in the morning. Weird, they headed to the cafeteria to eat theirs dinner. After dinner, Chae-Yeong grabbed Donghai's hand, and taked him to the hotelroom 12. She murdered her own friend with a knife.

-W-what? You son of a-
-Sorry, but it's a game. And don't say anybody that i am an assasin. Got it?

Everybody has to go sleep, meanwhile with team 1, Boyana has been lost at the 3rd floor. She didn't wich floor are her team. Everybody was sleeping, expect Bojan. She goed down to the 2nd floor, and behide an wall, the serbian boy murdered the bulgarian girl.

-What in the hell? Bojan?!
-Shush you brat. Now you're eliminated~
-Son of a-

Bojan leaved the Boyana wich was layed down to the floor. And the next day, someone will be voted out, but who?

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