Chapter Six: Uncomfortable Suprises

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It had been about a month since production had begun but I had mainly been doing odd jobs and helping in other areas of the production where I could. I had seen Joseph around as he was preparing for the role of Eddie with more fittings, figuring out his look with wardrobe and makeup but we hadn't really been able to interact.

We had seen each other in the break rooms and had general chit chat here and there in group situations but apart from that, nothing has really happened. I felt bad as I knew I needed to get to know him more as he was basically my main hell fire character but from word of mouth and the brothers, he seemed to have a damn good grasp on what he was doing. Therefore, I let him be. I didn't really want to intrude on his process. However, today was the day. Today was the day where I finally got to start filming scenes for the hellfire club and its characters.

Mainly Eddie.

I felt pretty good today. I had managed to get more than 6 hours sleep, which was rare for me, and had time to grab a coffee on the way in so I was in a great mood, ready to get started.

I was wearing pale blue slightly ripped jeans with white high tops, tucked in was my own hellfire shirt and a longline plaid black and white jacket. I had reused the Hellfire logo from my own previous campaign and the brothers loved it, so it stuck. I couldn't not wear it today. Sam had gone out last night with some of the crew and haden't made it home which was odd of her, but she texted me as I was in line for coffee telling me she would meet me there. I decided not to go out with them all, to most of the gang's dismay, as I knew today was going to be a big day.

1:07AM - Bilbo 🍑


You home yet??

U still out

Omg its 1am where are you

Samwise is being requested to get her ass back to the shire


2:37 AM - Samwise 💖

Samwize 2 Bilbo come in?*&



Were sztill out

Lil drunk

7:30 AM - Samwise 💖

I'll meet you at on set

Coffee plans?

7:34 AM - Bilbo 🍑

Already in line, will grab you one, c u soon x

Also, why didn't you come back last night?!

How rowdy did u guys get

I have a lil fomo

7:41 AM - Samwise 💖

Coffee then explanations, c u soon xx

I pulled up to set, coffees in hand and super excited. I said a few good mornings to people but pretty much went straight to my trailer. I could feel a small amount of butterflies sneaking into my stomach that I had managed to shake briefly but they came fluttering back once my thoughts landed back on Joseph.

This guy man. He will be the death of me I swear.

I climbed the few steps to my trailer handbag handle grasped by my chin, coffee tray in the other hand so I was able to open the door. But as I did the sight that greeted me was one I wish I could erase from my memory completely.

" God!" I exclaimed in shock at the sight before me. "Sam?!"

I didn't know whether to avert my eyes or just die on the spot.

There on the couch.

In MY trailer.

At 7:45 AM.

Was a very half naked Samantha, straddling a very half naked man, both caught up in what was obviously a very heated make out session.

Her head pulled away from the guy's face and turned towards me at the door in lightening speed, a look of horror, shock, and regret on her face. Then she moved off the lap of the half-naked man to cover her top half with a jumper resting on the coffee table. In doing so revealing the mystery man to me.

"Keery?!" I exclaimed again nearly letting our coffees hit the floor along with my jaw. "Holy shit" I laughed in utter shock before I backed up slightly and shut the door.

I backed up down the steps to the pebbled floor below, slowly trying to comprehend what I just saw. I was in utter disbelief. I heard them chatting in somewhat hushed tones inside along with rummaging around, presumably for their clothes. At that moment Joe swung open the door, giving me a look of embarrassment with blushed cheeks.

"Billie" he said as he adjusted his shirt, eyes low to avoid eye contact as he walked towards his own trailer. "Joe" I said with a giggle as he passed me. "Um joe?" I yelled as I turned to his direction.

He stopped and turned around to me. I threw him something I had grabbed from my bag with an eyebrow raised. He caught it and looked at it. Concealer. He looked up at me again and I motioned to the impressive hickey Sam had left on his collar bone. He let out a slight laugh and motioned a thanks with his free hand. I turned back to my trailer door to see Sam in the doorway, smirking and raising her hands in defense.

"So, it's not a matter of what you did last night but who you did?" I said as I walked up the trailer steps again, patting her head as I passed her. She huffed and turned to me as I set my things down on the makeup table and handed her her coffee.

"Spill Samwise." I said as she smirked, taking the coffee cup.

She sat on the couch while I sat in the makeup chair, not wanting to sit on that damn couch ever again. She continued on to explain that her and Joe had been talking since literally the day we started production back and forth, she really liked him and how she for sure did not expect him to make a move on her last night.

"shit just, happened.." she said blushing as she traced circles around the lid on her coffee. "we didn't, you know...but we did do.. other stuff"

"Please tell me it was at his place and not just now on my couch?" I cringed; I need to burn it.

"no! god no, it was at his place. But I would never have done that if id have known that you would be here so quickly! you know what the lines are like in that coffee place most of the time. I assumed I had at least 15 minutes more" she exclaimed as she blushed harder down at her coffee.

I had never seen her like this with a guy, ever. Usually she's very secretive and then only really tells me anything once its all gone to shit and needs a companion to eat her weight in Ben and Jerrys whilst watching nothing but slasher movies for 3 days. She trailed off talking about him and how amazing he was, she was gushing more and more the more she spoke. Her history with guys wasn't the best so I knew how much she deserved this. This moment felt like that scene in pride and prejudice where Lizzie finally comes to her senses and admits her feelings for Mr. Darcy. It was adorable and made me feel so happy for her. She really deserved to be happy. I could feel tears start to prick my eyes, so I grabbed a tissue. I sniffled a little and she looked up at me, jumping up over to me to give me a hug.

"oh my god, Billie, are you crying?!" she muffled into my neck. I squeezed her and blinked the tears out of my eyes.

"I'm just so happy for you" I sniffed as she pulled way from the hug "you really deserve this, and I really hope it goes well. He's such a great guy. A great guy for you." I smiled at her, trying to rescue the mascara on my lashes.

"Stop or you'll get me crying, it's too early in whatever this is to start crying. Its too early in the day even to be crying." She laughed. "lets finish these and get our asses to work cause it's a big fucking day today young lady." She lifted her coffee up to cheers me.

We then finished or drinks and our chit chat was interrupted by a call for me on set.

"woop, there it is" I said, chugging the last drop of coffee and throwing it into the bin on the other side of the room before walking to the door. Sam turned to the bin then back to me. "Damn that was impressive LeBron" she laughed, slightly shocked. "I think your in the wrong profession."

I saluted her as I shut the door behind me.

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