Chapter Thirty Nine: The Full English - Josephs POV

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I peeled open my eyes, squinting at the light coming through the sides of the curtains. It was reflecting right at me as it bounced off the white walls and into my face. I blinked a few more times, letting my eyes slowly adjust to the light trying to regain full consciousness. The first thing I registered next that my head was hurting and the bright light in my eye balls was not helping. I groaned and brought my hand up to my face, shielding my eyes whilst I rubbing my temples. I rolled onto my back and stretched, hoping I would feel her next to me but she wasn't. I let out a deep sigh, I hate waking up to her not next to me. Morning cuddles are the best.

I rolled over to her empty spot and saw the time was already 10:36AM. Thank god we had the day off today. Considering last night's events I don't think I would have made it in all honesty.

Jesus last night..

I honestly have no idea what came over me. I think it was whatever Joe was having me drink because I've never had the urge to do that before. I have for sure fantasised about her sitting on my face but the tying her up was something I hadn't pictured. I genuinely didn't plan on it. It probably seemed that was because I mean, I supplied the ties, but I just honestly hadn't taken them out of my bag from when I went home to see my family. I felt it was just lazy of me before but I'm grateful I left them now.

My mind was rerouted from my thoughts of her last night as I could hear the hum of music and what sounded like cooking coming from downstairs. I was slightly grateful as I was starting to get excited, remembering her in certain.. positions.

I slowly got out of bed, my head thumping as I rose to a standing position. I went to my bag and threw on some boxers, a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt before heading to the stairs. As I shut her bedroom door behind me my ears pricked up along with a soft smile as I realised she was singing to herself. I chuckled under my breath before slowly and very quietly making my way down the stairs. Once I reached the bottom I stopped and leaned against the wall a little, I was out of sight from her in kitchen and just stood there listening to her.

I could hear her voice more clearly than I had when I scared her on the hood of my car. Her voice was giving me butterflies. She was actually pretty good, better than when I heard her before. I assumed she was letting herself really sing as she didn't know I was awake and listening to her. I could hear little jolts in her voice as the chorus hit, signalling that she was moving around, presumably dancing. She sounded happy and her choice of song confirmed that thought. I had the biggest smile of my face, biting my lip a little as I continued to listen. I had to get a look at her.

I turned the corner quietly and I couldn't help but stand there still smiling like an idiot at how cute she was. She was facing away from me as she was coking something on the stove, still singing and moving her hips. My eyes running up and down her body as she swayed, I bit my lip remembering her dancing on me last night. I was quickly brought out of my slight trance as she turned and saw me, she gasped slightly as I had scared her yet again. "Jesu- Jesus H CHRIST!" she exclaimed with a laugh which followed with a annoyed sign as she put down the two plates she was holding. "Can you please make noise as you approach like a normal person so you don't make me keel over?" she laughed.

"That was a pretty good Eddie impression" I laughed as I crossed my arms and leant against the counter. "Why thank you" she curtsied with a giggle. "Means a lot coming from the DnD king himself" she turned down the music a little before she grabbed cutlery out from one of the drawers and set it down near the plates, drawing my attention to the food. My eyes widened at the spread she had cooked up. My appreciation for her suddenly rising to a whole new level I didn't think was possible. "I don't think there's any better cure for a hangover than a full English, wouldn't you agree?" she stated with a grin as she kissed me on the cheek before going to sit at the bar in front of one of the plates. "I'll say" I exclaimed as I eagerly followed behind her and sat at the seat next to her.

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