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it's been a few months since jade had escaped the red room and ran off. she had found her away and reached out to nat who then took her under her wings and brought her to the penthouse. tony and bruce have been helping her with a treatment from the experiment and she has been working out every day trying to get her mind off things.

jade woke up that morning with another pounding headache. the room she was staying in had dark painted walls and heavy curtains so it wasn't the sun that was the problem. she enjoyed her new home actually it felt very much homey. jade rolled out of bed and put her hair up in a messy bun.

she walked to the bathroom in her room and look at herself in the mirror opening the cabinet and taking advil...again. she just wished the pain would go away.

walking down the stairs she saw a few familiar faces.

"hey, there she is! up actually early for once how's it going"

steve had been nothing but nice to her since she had arrived and hey you can't help her if she did admit she said he was attractive.

"the same. waking up with the same headache and feeling nauseous but i didn't throw up this morning so that's that...can i have-"

"some water already got it"

he already had gotten used to her habits and placed and glass in front of her. her heart skipped a beat.

"can i get you anything to eat i'm making the girls breakfast"

so he cooks? and the girls meaning nat and wanda. they were sitting on the couch all cozy with big blankets watching tv.

"i think i'm good for right now probably just going to go join them"

she snuggled up next to nat and snuck under her blanket.

"aw hey good morning baby! how are you doing?"


"yeah i get that"

"why don't we not work out today it's raining out and me and wanda were just going to chill"

nat has been trying to get jade to relax for one day since the day she got her.

"yeah i might take you up on that"

everyone in the room was surprised (wanda,nat,steve)

"wait really?"

"yeah i'm really not feeling it and actually could use some girl time...or talk"


she turned around seeing if steve could hear them but remembered how big this place is. she got up and sat in between nat and wanda.

"okay don't overreact and i don't even know if they are actually feeling but what do you guys think of steve"

"rogers?" (nat)

"i think he's spicy"

nat and jade looked and wanda trying not to burst out laughing

"no im serious! why what's going on jade? spill."

"i don't know but i feel like im getting this vibe from him and i wouldn't be lying if i said he was attractive because i mean look at him! and he has been nothing but kind to me since i got here"

"yeah i get where you are coming from but baby he is older than you and I'm not talking like frozen and is like really old but is still young and attractive but like he is still older than you and steve...he's steve he is respectful and no one knows anything about his personal life and who he has done since...what if he isn't good"

"nat stop omg you are taking this so far"

"no jade she is right you have to think about this stuff no one knows about his personal life like do you guys think he even gets any?"

"well i don't know but all i'm asking for your guys opinion here is do you think i should go for it?"

"honestly jade i say yea"

"i gonna have to agree with wanda and say yes why not!"

"okay so tonight when tony has his party?"

"yes and we will help you get ready" (nat)

"i don't mean to interrupt with whatever is going on over here but me and tony want to see if" (bruce)

bruce and tony have been trying to find a treatment or anything to help jade since she arrived.

"jade sit please" (bruce)

"alrighty well as of right now we still are not one hundred percent sure if what we are sure can cure this but it is worth a try" (tony)

"Okay well what is it" (nat)

"We think we found a chip in your neck that when trying to experiment was placed wrong and is hitting a nerve" (bruce)

"Okay well now what can you get it out" (steve)

jade looked and wanda with a smirk

"we can but with everything going on already we want to make sure it's okay with you jade and the aftermath might be messy but we need to make sure you are ready to go through with this"(tony)

everyone in the room had eyes all on her. she wasn't pressured she knew what she had to do but after what tony said was nervous.

"yes! yes! I mean I'm ready for anything!"

"okay well that solves it I'll start now "(bruce)

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