Lies My Hyung Told Me {Part 1}

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TW: Mentions of drugs and suicide attempt. Violence.
Yoongi never told the members much about his childhood or how he grew up. Whenever they asked he'd simply say, "It was rough, but that's behind me. No point in dwelling on it."

The members wondered why he was so silent about how he grew up. Unknown to him, they had all concluded that maybe he was bullied or abused and preferred not to talk about it. Once they came to that conclusion on their own they decided to stop asking him.

Yoongi felt like he was protecting his members by not telling them what truly went on when he was young. He figured the less they knew, the more he could protect them from the evil things of the world.

What he never told them about was his past of trading drugs underground. Did he regret it? He wasn't too sure yet. He knew the risks involved in it but at the same time if he hadn't done it, he wouldn't be in BTS today. He grew up poor and had lived on the streets multiple times. Sometimes his dad would kick him out or sometimes he and his parents found themselves living in shelters. While on these little 'vacations' as he would call them (he told his members he'd gone on vacation a lot) he met a group of people who were part of an entire underground society he'd never had known existed if it weren't for them.

He'd quickly gotten himself roped into the world of moving and trading drugs of any kind for money. Whenever his parents would ask how he suddenly had all this money he would claim to have various jobs. He was able to get them out of shelters and settle into a proper home. He also loved rapping and spent the money on equipment and recording devices. His parents were extremely angry about his whole rapping thing and his dad would even destroy his equipment. Fortunately for him he'd always have enough money to replace it.

Everything changed after he sent a recorded audition into BigHit. To his shock, he'd been accepted and it was at that moment he realized things were going to be different now and he couldn't continue the life he was living.

After he had been accepted he went to his friends who were in the trading world and told them of his departure from the scene and how he was stepping out of that life. They all begged him not to go. His friend, named York, told him he had a great opportunity for him to make a ton of money. "More than you'll ever make with that dumb music gig!" He declined and told them he needed to pursue his dream.

"Suit yourself, traitor." That was the last thing York ever said to him before slamming the door in his face.

That was seven years ago.

BTS had been formed and they were going strong. They'd been living together for years now and were winning awards left and right. Yoongi absolutely loved his members and they'd grown into a big family. They were more than just bandmates.

Yoongi never thought of his past unless it was specifically brought up. At this point it felt like a distant dream.

Until a Thursday morning in October.

The company gathered everyone who worked for BigHit into a conference hall to drop the bomb that a worker within the company was part of a scandal that had cost the company all their money. BigHit had immediately gone bankrupt and they didn't know what to do, so everyone was to be temporarily dismissed unless they could come up with a lot of money, and fast. Everyone immediately offered to donate money to keep the company afloat until they figured out legal affairs and were able to be reimbursed somehow.

And Yoongi...Yoongi hated the thought of it but he was not willing to lose everything he'd worked so hard to accomplish and achieve within the band. He saw the tears in his members eyes and his heart broke when he realized he knew how to make a lot of money, and quickly.

Just go in, make the money, and get out. And whatever you do, don't get caught. Not just for my sake, but for theirs.

That night the members were gathered around their dinner table discussing next steps. Thankfully everyone was able to contribute enough money to the company to still have jobs for the moment but they discussed doing side jobs and promotions to bring in more money. Yoongi wouldn't dare admit his plan but kept stating, "I'm sure we'll be fine."

"But how do you know hyungie? What if we aren't?" Jungkook glanced nervously at his hyung.

Yoongi patted his maknae's back. "Just trust hyung, yeah? I'm usually right, aren't I?"

"That's true! Yoongi hyung is usually always right about when it's going to rain!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Hobi burst into tears of laughter. "That's because he uses the weather app Taehyung!"

"Oh," was Taehyung's only response. There was an awkward silence before everyone burst into laughter. Yoongi's was more of a nervous laughter. He thought about some of the problems he'd faced as a teenager when he was trading the drugs. There had been threats, fights, even deaths. He'd managed to always avoid those things, luckily. It scared him to death knowing that something like that could turn out really badly if any of his members found out or got involved but he knew he'd do everything and anything to make sure that was never going to happen. They'll all be completely safe as long as they don't find out.

That night after everyone had gone to bed, Yoongi snuck out of his room and went outside. He figured he'd have enough time to catch a quick train to Daegu, make some arrangements, and get back.

When he stepped off the train in Daegu the smell of the air made him feel sick. A million memories he wanted to forget flooded his brain and he felt his heart do leaps and flips in his chest as he wondered if this was a mistake.

Suck it up Yoongs. The company needs the money!

He found himself walking the nighttime streets that he knew all too well. He was living on nothing but faith at this point because he didn't know if York still worked out of the building he was knocking on, or if he'd moved his operation sometime within the past seven years.

When York opened the door the two froze and stared at each other for a moment. They both felt shocked.

"Well I'll be damned...if it isn't the Min Yoongi," York said surprised.

Yoongi nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, hi York." The rapper realized it was now or never. "Remember back in the day you um...mentioned having a job that could offer a lot of money? I was just um...around and wondering if maybe...I mean if the job still stands...I mean I know it's been a while...but...I'd like to take it, if that's uh...a...thing, still."

Yoongi stood there sweating with his heart pounding. York stared at him in silence with an expressionless face.

Suddenly York presented a beaming smile and wrapped his arm around Yoongi's neck as he dragged him inside. "Min Yoooongiii-ahh...come on in!"

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