Lies My Hyung Told Me {Part 3}

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Yoongi felt his blood run cold at Jungkook's question. He stood in place. "Excuse me?"

"You heard what I asked," Jungkook replied sternly. Yoongi couldn't believe the nerve the youngest had, but he realized he needed to lie, and quickly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't go anywhere at night," Yoongi lied.

"I've seen you leave, hyung."

Yoongi crossed his arms. "Oh, so you're saying you've been spying on me?"

"No! I haven't! It's not my fault you're so loud! I saw you leave one night and it just became obvious! And it seems like you're trying to leave right now too!" Jungkook yelled at his hyung. He narrowed his eyes. "What are you hiding? Where do you go?"

Yoongi thought for a minute. He didn't know how to convince his maknae that he doesn't sneak out at night. If Jungkook was telling the truth and had actually seen him leaving, how was he supposed to get around that? He felt frustration course through his body. He knew the youngest was never one to really mind his own business, but this was a new extreme. Yoongi wondered how many times Jungkook had actually seen him leave over the past weeks. It couldn't have been too often, right? Jungkook would have spoken up sooner. He realized he needed to come up with yet another lie to get his maknae off his back, or at least completely throw him off.

"You know what? Fine. You caught me." Yoongi threw his arms up in surrender. "I've been sneaking out."

"I knew it! I knew it hyung! Why? Where do you go?"

"You really want to know?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook nodded.

"I...uh...I have a girlfriend," Yoongi lied. Thankfully, although the maknae was always in people's business, he was also extremely gullible.

Jungkook's jaw dropped open and he sat in shock for a moment. "What?! Since when?! Who?!" Jungkook felt a bit hurt that his hyung would keep such a secret from him and the rest of the members.

"It's nothing serious yet so I didn't want to say anything."

"Who is it?!" Jungkook begged to know. Yoongi didn't have an answer. "Nobody you know. I told you it's nothing serious."

"Hyuuung tell me!" Jungkook kept begging.

Yoongi kept checking the time and realized he was late. "I have to go!" He ran for the door. "And this stays between us, okay?!"

Jungkook pouted but said okay. Yoongi ran out to the car in a hurry. He had anxiety about being late and over the situation with Jungkook. He realized he needed to be stealthier when leaving. This was too close of a call. He couldn't imagine what he'd do if Jungkook found out where he was actually going off to. To make his luck worse his car was stalling in the driveway for a good 10 minutes before he got it to work.

He tried to calm himself down while listening to music as he drove to meet up under a bridge underpass. The men he'd been working with in Seoul were named Sookin and Namju. All three of them worked for York, but Sookin and Namju had a bit higher ranking than Yoongi. York put Yoongi back at the bottom of the ladder as a consequence for ditching all those years ago.

He pulled up under the bridge. It was dark out but thankfully the underpass had some street lamps to provide some light. He saw Sookin and Namju waiting for him by another car. Yoongi ran out. "Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with some family stuff."

"Family is important," Namju scoffed. Sookin and Namju knew who the BTS members were and they knew that's who Yoongi meant whenever he mentioned his family. "But you know what else is important? Being on fucking time, Min Yoongi!"

"It won't happen again," Yoongi said.

"It better not," Sookin said in a threatening tone. He handed Yoongi some bags and they discussed what they needed to do for the rest of that night. Yoongi was arguing with Namju about a route he had taken but the dispute was quickly resolved. They were just getting ready to head out when they heard footsteps coming but weren't sure from where. They all froze and stood on guard until someone walked out from behind Yoongi's SUV.

"Hyung?" It was Jungkook, and he was clearly crying. "What is going on?"

"Oh my God." Yoongi completely froze. Namju ran at Jungkook and pushed him up against the SUV and held him there by his throat. "What the fuck is he doing here, Yoongi?!"

Yoongi ran at them. "Let him go!" He cried as he pried Namju off Jungkook. Jungkook felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest with fear. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. This had to be a dream right? No way Yoongi hyung would be selling drugs!

Yoongi grabbed the front of Jungkook's shirt. "What the hell are you doing?! How did you get here?! Did you follow me?!" Yoongi screamed. Jungkook's cheeks were flooded with tears.

"I...I...I didn't believe you about the girlfriend and wanted to see what you were doing and snuck into the back of the SUV...hyung...what's going on?" Jungkook cried.

Yoongi took the car keys out of his pocket and threw them at Jungkook. "We'll talk about this later but you need to go home!" Yoongi screamed.

"Min? I'm only going to ask this one more time! Care to explain why your little fucking brother is here?" Namju asked angrily. Namju absolutely hated when other people were in his business when they didn't need to be.

"Because he's an idiot who doesn't know how to mind his own business!" Yoongi screamed. He dragged Jungkook towards the driver's door. "Go home Jungkook! Now!"

" will you get home?" Jungkook cried. He felt hurt that Yoongi would speak of him so lowly to people. I'm not an idiot.

"I'll find a ride. Go! NOW!" Yoongi screamed.

Jungkook shoved Yoongi off of him. "I'm not leaving without you!"

Yoongi felt the frustration course through him once again. Namju walked up to Jungkook and got in his face. "Listen to your hyung, kid. You have no business sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong."

Namju turned to Yoongi. "Have you not taught him better?"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at his maknae in anger. "I thought I had."

Namju shoved Jungkook against the SUV and Jungkook smacked into it with a loud oof. "Go home," Namju said threateningly. Jungkook's tears quickly turned to a complete sob. He still couldn't figure out how this was really happening.

"Don't touch him," Yoongi demanded. He pulled Jungkook away from Namju and he whispered in his ear sternly. "For the last time. You need to go the fuck home Jungkook!"

"I said not without you!" Jungkook pleaded. He couldn't imagine leaving his hyung alone with drug dealers. What is hyung thinking?!

"Take him," Sookin gestured to Yoongi, "Just take him home. We will let York know you ran into a bit of an obstacle."

Yoongi didn't know what to do. He knew that wouldn't go over well with York but he also needed Jungkook to get the hell out of there. He decided right now things with Jungkook were a bit more important than whatever York would think. He snatched the keys back from his maknae. "Get in the car. Now," he demanded.

Jungkook gave Namju and Sookin a nervous glance as he slowly made his way into the passenger seat. Yoongi immediately started driving them home and Jungkook could tell his hyung was outraged, but so was he. He turned and faced his hyung and made sure to make his anger known.

"You lied to me."

Lies My Hyung Told Me. [Mafia M.YG]Where stories live. Discover now