Lies My Hyung Told Me {Part 7}

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Yoongi filled with even more rage seeing Sookin standing there talking with the police. He clenched his fists and made his way over to him.

"You! What have you done?!" Yoongi screamed.

Sookin wrapped his arm around Yoongi, like a friend would do, and gestured to the police officer. "Ah! Yoongi-ah! Nice to see you! I see you've come to check up on your old buddy!"

Yoongi clenched his teeth and realized he couldn't do or say much with the cop around. He stood there waiting for them to be finished speaking and then pulled Sookin aside.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Yoongi screamed. "Why can't you and Namju leave my damn members alone?! They've done nothing! And now Jungkook has a bleeding head and Taehyung is in the hospital because of you!"

Sookin grabbed Yoongi's shirt and balled it into a fist. "I'd watch the way you speak to me, kid. Because we have a lot more up our sleeve. All this? This was just a warning. Don't make me have to actually punish someone."

"Punish someone for what?! They haven't done anything! And neither have I! We have been partners for months and I've been nothing but loyal to this team!"

"That little stunt you pulled last night with Jungkook says otherwise. You missed that run, and do you know how angry our customer was? Do you know how much damn money that put me out of?!" Sookin yelled.

"So that's what this is about? The money?" Yoongi scoffed. "I should have known. All you care about is yourself and the damn money!" Yoongi gestured back to his members. "You could have killed them!"

"Then I guess that would have made our job a little easier then, wouldn't it? It would be a hell of a lot easier to get our job done without your little band members sneaking into our business!"

Yoongi froze for a moment, was Sookin okay with the thought of actually killing them?!

Yoongi bit his lip anxiously. " wouldn't do that, right? Just stay away from them and they'll stay away from you! Jungkook didn't mean to intrude, he didn't even know where I was going so that isn't even his fault! You and Namju had no right kidnapping and hurting him! You claim you don't want my members involved yet you're the ones making them involved!"

"Min Yoongi I swear to God if there weren't cops around I'd smack you!" Sookin spat.

Yoongi didn't care to continue the conversation and he turned around and began walking away, "Just stay the hell away from them! And me! Stay the hell away from all of us!"

Sookin flipped him off before leaving in the opposite direction.

The rapper was sweating with anxiety. He knew this was not good. It was already scary enough being on Sookin and Namju's good side, but being on their bad side was a whole different story. He made his way back to the others.

"What was that about?" Jin asked confused.

"Don't worry about it. But if we are all set we should get to the hospital with the others. I will drive us," Yoongi said gesturing to his car. They followed him.

"Jungkook needs to be seen by a doctor," Jin informed. Yoongi nodded. He already knew that.

When they got to the hospital Jungkook was taken by a doctor into a room for examining. He had a slight concussion but he'd he alright. A nurse cleaned him up and he was good to go. They met up with everyone else in the room Taehyung was in. He was being fitted for a cast.

"So it's broken?" Hobi cried.

"In three places," Taehyung frowned. Hobi ran over and hugged Taehyung as he was crying. "I'm so sorry."

"And Jungkook has a concussion," Jin informed the rest of them. The maknae tensed up and took a step backwards, he really didn't want the attention. Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung asked what happened and Yoongi spit out the same lie he'd told Jin and Hobi. Jimin put his arm out and gestured for the youngest to join their group hug.

The members hugged each other tightly and although it was meant to be heartwarming all Yoongi felt was shame.

I did this. I'm the only reason they are all here.

He fought back tears as he thought about how this had all become too much, and too quickly. He started to feel like a hypocrite. He just yelled at Sookin for only caring about money, how was he any different? He started doing this for the same exact reason, the money. Whether it was to benefit all of the members or not, that didn't matter anymore. There was absolutely no benefit if it meant his members were going to get hurt, or worse.

He kept replaying the image of Jungkook in his head. How absolutely terrified his maknae had been when he found out. How terrified he must've been to just be grabbed off the street and assaulted. Yoongi felt sick to his stomach knowing he'd asked Jungkook to lie for him. Knowing he'd asked the purest soul on earth to keep his deep dark secret, and from his own brothers.

He couldn't bare it anymore. He broke from the group hug and ran out of the room and down the hall until he found a bathroom. He locked it and dropped to the floor crying. He felt like the last thing he had deserved was a hug or any form of affection from any of them.

He thought about the company and he realized the company was doing well enough on its own. He thought about his members and how he loved them way too much to keep them in harms way.

He realized Jungkook was right. He needed to end this.

And he needed to end this now.

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