Lies My Hyung Told Me {Part 8}

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Yoongi grabbed his phone out of his pocket and immediately dialed York. He trembled as the phone rang.

"Yoongi!" York said excitedly.

"York, I'm done! I quit! I can't do this anymore, and tell Namju and Sookin to leave me and my members alone!" Yoongi took deep breaths to try and calm his crying. It was scary quitting on York for the second time in his life now.

There was a pause from the other side, and then a deep sigh.

"I should have expected this," York groaned. "I see you clearly haven't changed. Once a quitter, always a quitter."

"Namju and Sookin are hurting the people I care about! They work for you, tell them to stop! I can't put my brothers in danger like this anymore, York!" Yoongi cried.

A long pause, and another sigh.

"What did they do? I will talk to them, and then maybe we can work something out where you can stay? I need you on the team," York said.

"No! I'm done! For good! I'm done with this life, I should have never come back to you to begin with. This isn't who I am anymore. I can't keep doing this. It's too dangerous, and I have people I need to protect now. It's not like it was before," Yoongi cried.

"It's exactly like it was before!" York screamed angrily. "Just like before, with no notice, you're deciding to walk out and be done! You don't know how much that cost me, you ass! If you're going to quit for goddamn real, again, then this is it! Don't ever come back even when you need something. I never want to hear from or see you again, do you understand me?! And Namju and Sookin can be your own damn problem, at least they're loyal to me!" York immediately hung up on Yoongi.

Yoongi took a deep breath. Namju and Sookin are my own problem? How am I supposed to stop them from hurting my members on my own?!

Although he didn't know what to do about those two, he knew one thing was for certain, he wasn't going back to that life. Ever. He was done, for good. He was hoping with him leaving it all behind maybe he'd luck out and Namju and Sookin just wouldn't bother him or his members anymore. They'd all just mind their own business. Yoongi knew it was somewhat wishful thinking, though.

He splashed his face with cold water in the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot from the tears. He steadied himself and continued to calm himself down before going back to the others.

He thought of Jungkook again. How their relationship was fractured and he had a lot of mending to do. He honestly had no idea how to make things better right now, but he was hoping that when he found the right thing to do or say, that his maknae would be as forgiving as he usually was.

And then there was Taehyung and Hobi. He blamed himself. How am I supposed to forgive myself for what happened to them? How am I supposed to make things better?

When he realized that right now he didn't have the answers he was looking for, he shook the thoughts out of his head.

Stop being a criminal, and go be a hyung. A good hyung.

He made his way back to Taehyung's hospital room and the members were now sitting around the bed. Taehyung looked exhausted. They all did. Yoongi walked over and gave Taehyung another hug, and then checked on Hobi.

He gave Jungkook an expression of remorse. Jungkook shrugged him off. He was still very angry at his hyung. It was Yoongi's fault he'd been kidnapped and hurt so badly. And then Yoongi had the nerve to lie about it. He wondered how sorry Yoongi really even was. All he knew was that if his hyung continued to live the life he was living even after all of this, then his hyung wasn't sorry at all.

A doctor came in and told everyone that Taehyung was free to be discharged and could head home. The members cheered with happiness. They helped Taehyung to the car, with Jin also keeping hold of Jungkook. Knowing he had a concussion was making him nervous for the maknae as well.

At home, Taehyung kept showing off his new cast to his members. They tried to also help make him feel better by telling him how cool it looked and how brave he was. All of them signed the cast.

"I could sell this for so much money," Taehyung joked. The others laughed, but Jungkook shot Yoongi a somewhat accusing glare. You should talk to Yoongi-hyung, he knows all about selling things for money.

Yoongi walked over to Jungkook and asked if they could talk alone.

"I don't care to know any more of your secrets," Jungkook whispered angrily.

"Please, Kookie, it's important," Yoongi begged. Jungkook sighed and decided to follow Yoongi into the bedroom. They closed the door behind them.

"How is your head?" Yoongi asked, still concerned.

"It's been better." Jungkook folded his arms, "Now what do you want?"

"To apologize," Yoongi started, "And to let you know I quit. I called who I needed to call and told them I was done, that I can't do this anymore. Believe it or not , I do love and care about all of you. And seeing you put in danger because of me? I had to end it. I hope that counts for something." He was nervous about how Jungkook would react.

"You really quit?" Jungkook asked surprised.


"Oh. So now what?"

"I don't know. I just...need you to forgive me. I'm so sorry I made you lie, and that I lied to you. And I swear Kookie there's nothing else I've ever lied to you about. I swear on all of our lives," Yoongi said.

"How can I simply forgive you?" Jungkook asked. He fought back tears. Yoongi had broken so much of his trust he wasn't sure how to repair it.

"I don't know. I'd ask you to trust that I'm sorry and will never do this again and that I never meant to hurt you, but I understand that your trust is broken."

"Hyung, you know what I want?"

Yoongi listened intently. "What?"

"I want you to tell them," Jungkook pointed towards the door. "I'll only forgive you if you tell them all what you've done. I can't keep this secret. It's too painful for me."

Yoongi felt a lump in his throat. He was terrified to tell the others. He had no idea how they'd react, but he also knew it was probably the safest option to let everyone know what they were involved with.

"Okay," Yoongi nodded. "I will."

"Right now, hyung."

"What? Now? But Taehyung just got home from the hospital and-" Yoongi stopped. Jungkook was glaring angrily at him.

Yoongi broke down as he bit his bottom lip, "Okay."

The two walked out of the room. Jungkook trailed right behind Yoongi. Before Yoongi said anything he turned back to Jungkook with sorrowful eyes. Jungkook nodded at him, he wanted his hyung to get on with it.

"Um...everyone?" Yoongi started. All of the members turned their attention to him.

"What is it, Yoongs?" Jin asked.

"I...I um...have something to tell you."

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