You came along my way
Changed my colors to red from gray
I never realized
I was falling deep inside
Maybe this is what they call fate
The destiny I've been longing to recreate
Within me, I knew it felt great
I never thought this would be easy
I've fought this feeling for so long
But then you sang every song
That made me whole all along
The scars they left were healed
As well as all those misdealt deals
I'm finally giving in to what I feel
You unlocked my heart with a key
Though the process was too risky
But after hiding for what seemed to be an eternity
I was finally set free
I give you my words
They may never be well rehearsed
But what I feel for you—
Those lines I told are true
Slowly, the days felt shorter
As you leaned on my side,
You were trying to stay longer
'Til all the worlds collide
I never wanted this to end
This "thing" I've been feeling since you came
I have been keeping it inside
Now there's no reason to hide
Dark clouds scorn my sky
But you shone down your light
With your love so divine
I have never been so alive

...of love and lies
Poezja"...of love and lies" is a collection of poems about lost and found love, and all of the drama in between.