What are your thoughts

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Sapnap steps outside of the door to see George standing there with a look that Sapnap hasn't seen before



Is he here?

He is

Is he alive?

He in critical condition

What all do you know?

Sapnap and the doctor explained everything they know, and George sits in shock as he listens

Can I see him?

George...he's not awake and most likely won't remember us for the time when he is. I don't know if seeing him will be a good idea


When the police asked me to ID him, I barely recognize him

After a few second Sapnap seen George's body language change

He's never going to be himself again, is he?

I don't know, it's likely no matter what happens he's going to be addicted

Without another word George gets up and leaves the room, slowly walking the hallways trying to remain calm until he reaches the bathroom. The second he locks the door he breaks down collapsing to the floor.


I'm fine

George...you don't need to be fine

I don't want to lose him Karl

I know but no matter what you'll always have him

What about Cleo?

What about her

She barely has her mom and now this happened, who does she have?

George are you serious she has emerald and you and us

I don't think I'll be able to help her and emerald's going to try to help everyone

George, you've known from day one that were a family everyone is here for each other

George slowly opens the door to allow Karl to enter and George immediately wraps himself in Karl's arms

I can't lose him

I know

I want to see him

Okay let's go find Sapnap

Sapnap was standing outside of dream room

Are you sure you want to do this George?

Yes, he was there when I needed, I need to be there for him

Okay, remember that we are always here if you need us

George nods and they enter the room

George slowly walks to the chair next to the bed as tears run down his face. He slowly sits down in the chair and takes dreams hand in his before Karl's walks over looking at dream's hands then back towards his ankles

Karl's leans into Sapnap to whisper something

(Sapnap and Karl)

Why are the restrain marks so light? (Karl)

I'm not sure I was wondering that also (Sapnap)

Without looking up George answers in a normal voice and Karl and Sapnap starts talking "normal" too, but George doesn't look away from dream the whole time

They restrained him and he wasn't trying to fight back (George)

How do you know that (Sapnap)

He barely fought back when Asher took us...we make a promise that he would do as Asher wanted because if he didn't Asher would do that thing worse (George)

Okay...Asher's dead? (Karl)

Doesn't make a difference. He probably allowed them to do as they pleased for someone else safe or for his (George)

His safety? He's in critical condition? (Sapnap)

Yeah...that's without him fighting back. (George)

George finally looks at them, slowly breaking down

He's in this condition while not fighting back. What condition would he be in if he was fighting back (George)

Sapnap and Karl doesn't respond, and George looks back to dream

He would be dead...he would be returning to us with a bullet in his skull (George)

Not to mention who knows what would happen to Cleo and emerald (George)

George looks towards them again

What do you mean? (Karl)

Someone wanted dream and Cleo. Emerald happened to go with them so whoever took dream would have taken them too. Dream saved them. He knew something was up, so he went along with what Cleo thought. He had their safety top priority in his mind hence why he wanted to make sure they got home okay and when he gave Cleo his gun to make sure emerald was safe. (George)

George got up and headed for the door but when he reaches the door, he turns back to them

I'm pretty sure he kept us safe also, he knew something was up...the best sign he could give us when he guns. (George)

Can you explain (Sapnap)

He didn't think it was safe, but he didn't tell us goodbye or anything, so he knew if it was the case that it wasn't safe to.

You thought about this a lot?

George nods then quietly says it's all I have thought about, but I'll be back...do you need or want anything

Karl and Sapnap shake their heads no and George leave the room.

30 or so minutes later George returns to the room with red puffy eyes

Where did you go? (Karl)

I was talking to Cleo (George)

Does she know and you were crying?

George shakes his head and ignore that comment

Kinda, I was mainly telling her to make sure emerald was okay and to let us know about anything weird (George)

George, what have you all been thinking about? (Sapnap)

Trying to figure everything out as much as I can (George)

And what have you been thinking (Karl)

That they either fail or almost fail their mission (George)

Sapnap and Karl look at George very confuse, and George looks at them upset (upset that he literally has to explain everything)

After all this damage why would they let him go when he is mostly unconscious and very disoriented?

Karl and Sapnap both shrug and George roll his eye in annoyance

They released him when he was almost dead. They didn't get what they wanted out of him, but they hoped he could relay the message or lead us to their message. If they didn't need him alive then he would be dead. He has the key to everything...the question is did they go too far.

George sits down on the edge of the bed holding dreams hand and after hours of silence George feels light tapping on his hand


George feels a squeeze then a couple seconds later tapping

6 taps space 2 taps space 9 taps space 1 tap 8 tapes

62918...is that what you're telling me

George feels a squeeze again

Everyone stares in shock before George goes running out of the room as he's writing the number down on his palm

Nefarious (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now