Night we met (mentions of break-in, weapons, and death)

21 2 0

I'm going to get us drunk. I guess we'll meet in the VIP section (sapnap)

George, dream, and Karl went to their section and after a few second sapnap joined them

Hey, this feels good finally having it open (sapnap)

I agree (George)

Here's to nefarious (everyone)

They clink their glasses together and take a drink. Sapnap and George falls into a conversation so Karl jumps grabbing dreams hand pulling him to the dance floor

Karl what are you doing

I don't know let's just have fun

Karl starts spins dream around but after a few turns dream stops him



I still have a concussion

.... shit...I'm sorry

It's fine, sometimes your exciting make you forget things

Karl smiles as he clasps his hands with dream's and starts dancing and jumps around and everything is going well until Karl immediately notices that dream is stiff due to someone wrapping their arms around dream.

Hey, its George

Are you sure?

Yes, it's him

Dream lets out a breath of relief and Karl goes to find sapnap. Dream pulls George in front of him from his arm. George hugs dream really tight, and dream pulls George face up to look at him

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just so glad you're here with us and to see your idea put into action

No matter what I'm here, okay?

George nods and dream pulls George back to their sections while sapnap and Karl dances on the dance floor

Are you excited to return to doing missions?

Yeah, I think I'm ready

That's exciting, do you know when your return mission will be?

Not yet, sapnap and I will be looking over the files tomorrow around lunch

Have you been training?

Yeah, I feel pretty confident. How have you been doing?

My memories are still stuck

Are you having a good time?

I am, are you

Yeah, I think this was a good idea

Dream and George continue to make small talk while George lays on dream lap. George heard the song from the night they met.

Do you hear that?


Hey are you okay

George sat up to see dream completely in a different world. George placed his hands on dream face pulling him from the daydream. Dream tackled George with a hug then immediately pulls away

Sorry, I was too exciting I forgot you didn't like touch


I hugged you and you don't like physical touch sorry

George immediately jumps onto dream and dream sat there in shock

What are you doing?


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