Amnesia (torture mentioned and swearing)

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As soon as the team returned home sapnap and Cleo went to see George and dream

As soon as they entered the room, they found Dr Puffy looking through papers and George completely asleep on the bed next to dream.

(Talking light not to wake George)


Hey, how are they?

Dr puffy looks at both of them then looks back to Sapnap

Well, I have good and bad news

How bad?

Not crazy bad

Sapnap nods

I'm worried about both of them, I don't know how much more George can handle and.... I think dream developed an infection

What do you know?

It just started out so I started him on a small dose of medicine, but I can't do anything else until I pinpoint it. His arm is healing nicely and will probably remove the pins in two weeks.

So now what?

Nothing really we can do other than continue monitoring and testing. I believe the infection is in his lungs, but I can't give him medicine until I know it is

So...we have to wait for him to get worse?

Yeah, pretty much, wait to see if his oxygen levels drop

Dr puffy stands up and pats his shoulder before leaving the room

Over the next few hours Cleo and Sapnap took a nap in the chairs next to the bed and George woke up.

I miss you clay......and I'm scared. I'm scared of what's going to happen to you. I'm not scared that you won't wake up. I understand if you don't...I'm scared you'll wake up and not remember me and hate me or something. It terrifies me that what we have can change forever because you won't remember what we have.

We need you clay; I need you, the you that I fell in love with, you that will take this much damage to protect us.

George moves closer to dream, placing his hand on dreams face. As soon as his hand touches dreams skin, the monitor starts going crazy. Sapnap and Cleo jump up pulling George away from the bed

Wait...what's going on.... what did I do? (George panicking)

Sapnap pulls George out of the room and dr puffy goes rushing in. Sapnap pulls George into a hug and softly says you didn't do anything, she believes he has an infection, she'll handle it.

George nods into Sapnap's chest and after a couple minutes. Cleo suggests going to grab something to eat and George hesitates to look at the dreams room

Hey...we'll be right back, he'll be fine

George nods then follows them

Over the next following weeks, Dr Puffy got the infection under control and dream was starting to improve.

Sapnap and George were back in dream room, George was asleep and Sapnap was on his laptop doing some work

Knock knock

Hey mind if I disturb you for a minute

(Sapnap closes his laptop) Yeah, what do you need, and should I wake him? can tell him later or something. Anyways...I'll be removing the pins in his arm tomorrow and a few days after that I'll be taking him off the sedation for the medically induced coma.

Really? That's great

Yeah, it's a good step but I'm a little worried

What about?

Nefarious (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now