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That same night while both of them slept, Liu Kang began to dream. Fortunately for him it wasn't a nightmare like the ones he used to have months ago, but it was quite an interesting dream.

Like most of these, he doesn't remember the clear context very well. He only remembers that Raiden had given him a mission in Outworld, specifically in The Flesh Pits, the laboratory where Shang Tsung performed his inhumane experiments. For a reason it really didn't matter to him, he was alone exploring the place in search of the object that had been requested.

But then, he heard a strange sound, like footsteps approaching him. He then turned his head quickly, only to be hit by an individual whose face couldn't be see. He doesn't remember any of it other than darkness and a strange feeling of being dragged somewhere.

The scene abruptly changed to him in a room that looked quite luxurious, much like Kitana's room. He recognized the decoration of the place, immediately concluding he was in her realm. It was quite strange for him to wake up out of nowhere in that place, there was no logical or apparent reason to explain why he was there.

He instinctively went straight for the door only to realize it was locked from the outside. He tried to struggle, but as much force as he applied, it never opened. He tried to look for windows through which he could escape, but he couldn't find any, he was practically locked up, with no escape. All this gave him a very bad feeling, even though he wasn't in a dangerous place, being locked up with no possibility of getting out began to despair him. As he was looking for a way out he came across a mirror, realizing that he wasn't in his normal Shaolin clothing, but was in a rather formal black suit, a type of clothing he had never worn in his life.

Seeing himself like this only made him worry more. Everything was too strange, having been knocked out, being locked in that room and wearing a tuxedo gave him a bad feeling. It was then that the door finally opened, and some familiar beings entered, they were Baraka and Kotal, who looked quite suspicious.

"What's going on?" Liu Kang asked looking at the beings concerned, demanding an answer.

"It's time for your wedding "Chosen One", Kitana Kahn is waiting for you." Replied the Tarkatan.

"What!?" He exclaimed confused, they had ended their relationship several months ago and he began to shake his head. "No... it can't be... this is wrong!"

"We don't care. You better cooperate, for your sake." Baraka replied in a threatening tone.

"You can't force me! You don't have my permission!" He exclaimed again, but in a rather annoyed tone, arching his eyebrows.

Both beings looked into each other's eyes and emitted a dry laugh, mocking the chosen one. Immediately, the leader of the Osh-Tekks raised his hand which was surrounded by blue auras. In less than a second those same auras surrounded the Shaolin, putting pressure on his torso, preventing him from moving his arms to defend himself. Similarly, he felt his legs no longer responded to his instructions, so he couldn't run.

"What are you doing!?" The champion asked more scared than angry trying to move, without success.

"The orders are that you will marry Kitana." Said Baraka walking towards him together with Kotal, who took him strongly by his right shoulder.

"Now move! There is a wedding to be held." Ordered the Osh-Tekk applying force on the monk's left shoulder, making him walk towards where they wanted them to go.

The three men left the room to find themselves in a long corridor. Although he had tried to escape unsuccessfully, Liu Kang kept trying to flee. But no matter how crude his movements were, the magic that had been put into him was much stronger. He couldn't run either, the only thing he could do was walk forward.

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