Starting again.

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The day after his conversation with Raiden, Liu Kang woke up at the crack of dawn to get ready. He barely felt the sunlight coming through the window, he knew it was the perfect time to start getting up. He put on his typical black pants with red stripes, his white shirt and his vest, accompanied by a red bow on the forehead. Not without first untangling and combing his hair, he wasn't going to go out in public with messy hair.

While the chosen one was getting ready, in unison there was also Kung Lao dressing in his usual blue and red suit with subtle white lines. He assumed that like the previous days, his fellow wouldn't want to accompany him to training, so, when he was ready, he left his room. But before going directly to class, he immediately stopped at the next door, that is, Liu Kang's room, with the intention of knocking and checking on him. He was curious to know if he was alright after not being able to ask him the night before.

What he didn't expected was that said door would be opened before he could touch it, meeting his best friend coming out of his room, coming face to face by mere coincidence. For a few moments the two of them were startled, even gave a small jump and a gasp of surprise.

"Oh, you are awake!" Kung Lao said surprised to see his friend wake up from him so early and with his clothes to go to training.

"Today I will go to train." Liu Kang answered surprisingly jovial.

"Really?" He asked, for the first time in days, the champion was in the mood again.

"Yes, I want to take back what I lost and do new things." He answered, he his room and closed the door to start walking, making the other follow him down the hall. "Did I miss much?"

"Not really." He replied while stretching his back. "And what new things do you plan to do?"

That was where the chosen one fell silent. However, he didn't have to think much about his answer.

"I don't know, I'll see it later." The champion said, shrugging his shoulders. "Whatever makes me avoid thinking about it works."

"Well, I can show you what you can do if you want."

"Yes, of course." He responded excitedly. Being a Shaolin in a monastery, he doesn't have much to do other than his daily training. However, he had planned to find some hobby that could distract him from thinking about his love failure. However, he concluded that there was no time to think about that, it was almost time for his training, and he didn't want to be late now that he was starting his life again. "But let it be later, we have to hurry to be there on time."

"Wow, I see you really want to go." His friend said surprised but relaxed, he wasn't in a hurry at all.

Before starting, the monks began the day with a simple breakfast consisting of a cup of rice, eggs, vegetables, and water. Finishing they went straight to the academy. Every day the type of training is different, among them are tests of resistance, balance, techniques to survive traps, among others.

Every day the training goes in stages and that day it was time to practice resistance in kombat. The first stage is meditation, which lasts a short time and is the one they always start with. The second is warm-up and preparation. The third stage is the most intense, in which they practice their movements repeatedly to test their resistance. The fourth is a short break. The fifth and the last are the fights against other companions to demonstrate what they have learned. This lasted from seven in the morning until six or seven at night. This varied some days depending on the time the sun went down and stopped emitting light.

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