Older brothers | Jeremiah , Conrad

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My names Y/N Fisher and im the youngest, i have two brothers , Conrad, the oldest , and Jeremiah , the youngest. They are very protective over me when it comes to boys , they'd say "Oh you dont know how boys minds work." bleh blah bleh. It can be a blessing and a curse. When at times it can be a blessing because if i dont wanna talk to a total dick jere or connie will step in and save the day and When at times it can be a curse because when I talk to a guy I usually really like them and they come and ruin it.

But today I was going on a date with a guy name Cameron, he was taking me to a drive in movie, and my brothers and steven were out with Laurel doing something for her book? i didnt know and didnt really care. I was on my way out when a boy stopped me. "Where are you going... dressed like that?" Jeremiah asked pointing at my clothed body. I shrugged, "Whats wrong with it?". "You look like a ho-" Jeremiah got cut off by Conrad. "The shirt doesnt cover your stomach and your shorts are way to short." He stated putting down his controller. "Laurel and Mom said it was fine so its fine!" I say, my arms fell to my sides. 

I tried to push Jeremiah out of the way so I could leave but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back. "No. Your not going out.." His voice was serious and cold and I knew if I took one more step i was bound to be in big trouble. "Let me go." I glared and when Jeremiah heard footsteps he quickly let my wrist free and made his way back to the couch. I walked out of the house, rubbing my sore wrist, it was red and had a hand print. I sighed as I sat down in Cameron's car. "You okay?" He asked and I nodded, "Fine." I gave him a reassuring smile as he fixed his vision on the steering wheel.


Me and Cameron were watching the movie in his car as we sometimes glanced at eachother. My hand was slowly making its way to his before they locked, i squeezed his hand as I looked over at him and he smiled and I blushed. 

He coughed, "Hey do you want a drink or anything??" He asked and I shook my head. "No cam, not right now thank you though." A blush crept upon my cheeks as he just stared at me. I leaned my head closer to his as he followed my action. I swear our lips were like 3 inches apart before we heard a car pull up right beside us.

Jeremiah!!  You could probably see steam come out of my ears at this point. "Uhm cam? Do you mind getting me that cherry coke?" I asked as he nodded and got out of the car walking over to a stand with drinks. I opened my side of the car door and slammed it shut when I stepped out.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, and Jeremiah and Conrad were pissed. "We could as you the same thing." Conrad said from the passenger seat. "oh but I asked you first." I said shooting my brothers a bitchy smile. "Get in the fucking car Y/N." Jeremiah demanded. "No." I shook my head. "yes." "No." "yes." "N-" "Get in the god damn car before i pick your ass up and put you in it myself." He demanded once more and I shook my head as Cam came back.

"What the hell is happening?" Cam asked throwing the coke down onto the ground and walking over to where I was standing. "Oh is this the boy you were trying to swap spit with?" My brother Conrad ask. "Oh my god im 15 i can kiss boys now! I can date boys! I can do anything I want without you guys giving me permission." I say and Jeremiah steps out of the car. "You have 5 seconds to get in the fucking car or I beat both of your asses." Jeremiah says and I glance at cam and shake my head.

"I said No." and that was enough to send Jeremiah off and punch cam.

If only I agreed to get in the god damn car.


HI SO THIS WAS REQUESTED BY : @douevenloveme
sorry if its not what you wanted but I tried to do something

where they were protective !

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