Older brothers | pt.2

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I was shocked when Jeremiah punched Cameron , I was , I looked at him with an O mouth as he looked down at the now unconscious , bleeding boy. He was going to have a bruise by tonight or tomorrow. 

"Jeremiah.. What the fuck!?" I yell as I squatted down to shake Cameron. "We have to go  get him cleaned up!" I say as i tried my best to dry his blood with my shirt, the fresh blood came off just fine but it left a stain on his face.

Jeremiah rolled his eyes as he picked up Cameron by one arm and I picked him up by the other, me and jere threw his arms over our shoulders as we walked to the car and placed him in the back seat. "Mom is going to be pissed bro!" Steven Chuckles.

Once we were at my house nobody helped me take Cam to the bathroom because the boy was now conscious, I told him to sit on the counter and he did so. I went to go grab a clean wash rag  from the dryer.

Once I was back ran a wash rag under the faucet and let warm water run onto it. "This should help get rid of the little blood stain." I said, pointing my pointer finger at the red stain under his nose. I rubbed at the stain carefully.

"Thank you.." he whispered. I just nodded, i was to focused on getting him cleaned up. "Your brother really punched me." He giggled and so did I, "Yeah.. they're crazy." More silence filled the room as his arms wrapped around my waist and his head leaned forward.

A deep cough filled the bath room as he quickly removed his arms from my waist. "O-Oh sorry Conrad." Cameron Jumped up an ran out. I scoffed crossing my arms. I was walking out when he stopped me. "How was your hot date?" he asked , "Excuse me?" I replied as my head turned around my face my older brother.

"Ok relax we were just trying to stop anything bad from happening.." He said as he gulped , his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "You guys are assholes." I state looking away from him , i didnt want to look him in the eyes , it made me physically and mentally sick. 

"Y/N.. Come on.." He said as his once grin faded. "All i wanted was to go to a drive thru with a guy i thought was cute a-and sweet... And you guys had to come and ruin it?" I say scrunching my nose a little. "And us showing up for like a couple of minuets ruin that.. really?" He said , was the dick serious? "Grow up Y/N" "No you grow up! You like what 18 and just punched a sixteen year old!!" I say , i was pissed off, why should i be the one to grow up , huh? I wasnt going around punching kids.

We were now in the kitchen , my weight leaned against the counter.. "Why couldnt you let me have this one thing .. this one boy?" He didnt reply, he just glared.. I broke the awkward silence "Huh?" I asked wanting answers. "Admit it ! You knew what you were doing!" I say in a loud but low voice. "W-What, what was I doing?"

"Ruining my life." I state, every since we were little conrad had to have everything to himself, Love,Items,Toys,Money,Belly. Nobody could steal his stuff without shit going down. he shook his head, "I dont know what your talking about." Deny,Deny,Deny he would tell me. He deny's everything. "you dont care about me, where i was, who i was with, you just cared about ruining it." I assumed , deep down I knew it was true. "I do care."

"Stop lying !!" I shouted , "Stop being such a baby." He replied , A BABY?? he thought i was a fucking BABY?? "Oh, And your such an adult?" I said as I bit my tongue. "You spent tonight, ruining my first date , for fun , for drama." I stated with air quotes as he shook his head.

He took a gulp of beer, I laughed. "Forget it.. Why dont you go spoke some more pot?" I said turning away going to make my way up to my room. "Why dont you go whore around some more?" He ended it , he got the last word. I just walked away , ignoring the dick, i wanted to go snuggle up under my covers and sleep.


A/N : BAHHAHA YALL REQUEST BUT DONT VOTE !! PLEASE VOTE !!! ilygsm hope yall enjoyed these parts, that all for older brothers. :)

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