0. Dear Katherine Pierce, it's time for you to change

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Disclaimer. Everything you recognize does not belong to me. I only own Lana Lewis and her version of Katherine Pierce. I get nothing from publication, and all the rights go to the show's producers. My ideas, however, belong to me, and I have full rights to them.

Summary. Lana Lewis died believing that this would end all her suffering. However, she doesn't expect to reopen her eyes; more importantly, she doesn't expect them to be someone else's eyes. She now has some words in mind that will accompany you for a long time. Every Action Has Consequences.

Somewhere before episode 22
of the first season:

It was strange how every action and choice immediately provoked countless unpredictable and indeterminate chain reactions.

An elderly lady walked with two shopping bags in the direction of her house. It was cold in Mystic Falls on that evening at the end of February, and her light coat did not help keep the cold out as her arms and hands began to ache from advanced arthritis. She was still a couple of blocks away from the warmth of her house when she made the choice that sealed her fate.

If only the old lady had chosen to take the traditional road, none of that would have happened; if only she had not slipped into an alley that cut the neighborhood obliquely, in less than five minutes, she would have returned undisturbed to the warmth of her home and the wasted arms of her husband. If, if, if... if only that vampire weren't there.

The old lady turned into the narrow alley undisturbed. She ignored, due to fatigue, how her dress had collided with an old piece of steel protruding from the wall and how it had cut her skin, causing a few drops of blood to gush quickly due to diabetes.

She was already thinking about what to prepare for dinner when a pair of hands squeezed her arms, dropped the bags, as she was picked up and moved further down the alley, her back to the wall at speed so fast it couldn't be real.

She came face to face with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Her blemish-free face of her olive contained a small nose, accompanied by two large doe eyes and slightly parted plump lips that almost brushed her nose. It was framed by soft, defined, and harmonious chocolate-colored curls, which seemed to almost float around her and surrounded her with a beautiful and strong perfume.

«Don't scream», the angel-faced girl told her, her voice low and melodious but tense and almost desperate at the same time, and she found herself unable to do it - or even want to.

«I don't want to hurt you, you know? But that's all too much: I scent your smell, your blood flowing, and I want it; I crave it more than anything else. But you don't understand, do you?», the angelic voice stopped, almost cracking. «I shouldn't try these things; I couldn't. Yet I do, and... I don't know how to stop», she whispered desperately.

«Try it, then», whispered the old woman, so taken by the angel's words that she didn't even notice how his eyes were no longer in her but on her neck, which she stroked with one hand.

«They hurt. They hurt so much, and there are so many in my head. I just want to order them, but I can't; why can't I?», the angel asked her again, as if she wanted - no, as if she needed - an answer.

«It will all be fine. It will pass. How can I help you?», asked the old woman, desperate like her, gasping in need to help her, to make her feel better.

The angel's eyes returned to hers. «I'm sorry. I'll try, I promise, but I need it», she whispered in a broken voice.

The old lady wanted to tell her something more, but she widened her eyes when she saw the girl's angelic face change, as her eyes darkened and red streaks appeared under her eyes, along with some sharp canines between her teeth. And while those same canines stuck in her neck, the old lady thought that if she died too, she wouldn't mind because she was sure that there was something divine in her existence, so that that beautiful avenging angel could exist. And as her strength left him, she only thought that she would see her two children again and, perhaps, she would finally find some peace from the pain she felt. She only had one regret, and it was her Phil of hers waiting for her at home.

Dear Katherine Pierce || Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now