• T H I R T Y T W O •

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*Note : Play the video when you see *** as the story progresses.

^ Elijah's Outfit

^ Arius's Outfit_________________________________________

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^ Arius's Outfit


"For the last time babe, you look good! Trust me!" Tirzah smiled, as she adjusted Elijah's tie and ran a hand through his hair, spiking it up just a little more.

"There, now you're all done!" She grinned, tugging on his arm as they proceeded to pull out their student cards and place them in front of the security check. It was the day of the Annual Ball, hosted in honour of the founders and just so the students could have a nice little break, deviating from their usual routines right before their exams began.

Elijah didn't understand why they were asked to show their student cards though. It wasn't like someone from the city would come all the way here, to the middle of nowhere to attend a ball that hardly anyone was aware of.
Nonetheless, he was excited to see how his friends looked today.
Tirzah was the only one he'd seen so far, because they were both running late. Needless to say, she looked absolutely ravishing in her purple suit and white heels, her strawberry blonde hair tied up high. Elijah had picked literally the safest option; a black suit, white shirt, black tie and dress shoes.
There was no way you could go wrong with this classic outfit, according to him.

"Alright you're fine, you can go."

Tirzah all but dragged Elijah through the arbor.

He was absolutely amazed as he took in the surroundings. The entire hall was washed in a warm yellow light, strings of fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, fresh flowers arranged in the most artistic ways, snack tables graciously wrapped in cream and gold sheets, chairs arranged on either side of the hall for people to sit with a lot of space left open in the center. The student council had done a splendid transforming this place into what it looked like today.
The hall was littered with students in every corner, dressed ever so elegantly. Everyone was all smiles, taking pictures with their friends or simply sipping from the fancy glasses, what looked like wine.

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