Chapter 1

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Ch. 1

She awoke from her unconscious state to a trembling, unilluminated box. She was panting from panic as her thoughts bounced around the insides of her brain. Where am I? Why am I here? Who am I?

It was then that she realized, she could not remember one single thing. Her past, family, friends, home. She could although remember specific things, but not who or what it was, or why they were there, for example she could remember what a boyfriend was, but not if she had one, or she remembered what a job was, but not the employer, employees, or place.

Although, one thing she did remember, kept ringing through her head. The voice sounded like they were speaking underwater. Cat. Cat. Cat. The same thing kept repeating itself in her head. Her name. Was Cat.

Cat never remembered being this frightening before. Even though the box was jet-black, she was able to take in most of her surroundings. She was laying down on the cold metal floor with the same metal walls around her. There was crates and barrels rocking and a label on the side, but she wasn't able to make it out. The box seemed to be lifting upward by some mechanical pulley at great speeds that gave no clue to slowing down.

"Hey, hello! Help me! Somebody anyone, help me!" She screamed as loud as she could, but her voice was lost in the screeching of the pulleys above and only made her voice more hoarse than it already was. Her throat felt as if she hadn't had a drink of water in weeks.

She wanted to cry from the fear of her death, but she had a feeling to decline the order from her brain. Cat was nauseous from the continuous swaying and bouncing of the box. She was so extremely dizzy, she had a hard time moving or walking. It ws like she was immobile. She, in fact, had no idea how long she had been in the box, for it felt like hours, has only been about half an hour. She was constantly screaming and shouting for anyone to hear her, although she knew that was going to be impossible.

Then suddenly, the box sped up even faster than it was before at speeds of at least forty miles per hour. The sounds of the gears and pulleys above screeched even louder making Cat's ears ring, feeling as if the were bleeding. She was not able to stand so she latched herself to a nearby crate, giving it the death grip wanting for the ride of doom to be over with. As she screamed one last time, the box came to an unanticipated halt.

Cat was thrown across the floor with some crates and barrels just missing her. She was now shaking even more with fear. She couldn't even move from fear and how bad she had been shaken up. After a few minutes nothing was happening, no opening was shown, no light was produced, nothing. With all of her strength she had left in her, she screamed at the top of her lungs: "Help me please!"

Suddenly, the doors above opened like an automatic door, bringing in way to much sunlight for her to handle. The light was too bright for her cave like eyes but she tried to focus. When she did, she looked up once again, revealing about 50 boys circling around her. She had so many thoughts running through her head, which was causing an excruciating headache: Who are they? Are they going to hurt me? She tried to act strong but was crumbling on the inside from fear.

Then, one of the boys leaped down into the box with her, cautious not to land on her. He had blond hair with pieces of brown, soft hazel eyes and was at least 5'9 and 17 years old. He looked at Cat like she had 3 heads, like she was a monster.

"Hey Newt, what does the shank look like?" One of the boys above asked, this boy Newt. He looked like he was trying to find the right words to tell them, but he couldn't.

"Um, i-its a g-girl?" Newt finally told the crowd, saying it like it was a question. Cat was some what offended by the way he had said it, until she had realized, no other girls were circled above. She then understood the situation at hand, she was the only girl.

"What?! A girl! Are you pulling our legs?"

"Which keeper is she going to get?"

"Is she hot?"

All of these questions shouted out by the other boys, were only increasing the amount of questions in Cats own head then realized she didn't even know what she looked like. She was snapped out of thoughts by a hand being held out in front of her face. It was Newts.

"Listen, I'm sorry about them. Um, but you kinda need t'get out of here." She then realized she was still in the box. She nodded her head at Newt with a lopsided smile. When she grabbed his hand to lift herself up, she couldn't help but feel a tingle between them. He was the first boy to show her any act of kindness and respect.

He then offered her a heart warming smile then asked for a rope from one of the boys above. The rope was pretty long, with one end tied in a loop. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought it was a noose, but she pushed the thought aside when Newt handed her the looped end of the rope.

"Now what you do is put your foot in here and someone up there will pull you up." He explained. She nodded taking the rope from him and placing her foot through the hole. Almost instantly, the rope pulled her up with one single pull. She yelped in surprise fron how fast they lifted her. As soon as she stood up, everything was silent. Everyone was staring at her, like the way Newt had looked at her when he first saw her.

"Alright shanks, would you move already?" Yelled a voice at the back of the crowd. The large group of boys separated instantly giving Cat a clear view of who the voice belonged to. It was an African-American boy with black hair and dark green eyes. He seemed at least 20 years old, 6'3 with a strong build. When the boy saw her, she saw a mixture of confusion and shock. He then replaced that look with a poker face, she couldn't read what he felt.

"Well welcome to the Glade greenbean." he finally said.


I am so happy I made this book, its obviously not the BEST chapter, but i tried! If anyone has any questions or comments leave them PLEASE! I would love your feedback, and please vote, it would make me feel grand! Thanks so much!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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