Chapter 5

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(Sole's POV)

So as we were walking in the plains we found a forest. We decided to use our rations before we enter the forest. We could possibly die in this forest. I said, "Let's go!" We ran in the forest.

-30 minutes later-

Nothing happened as we thought that this small forest was very peaceful. We were pretty far from the TUR (the city I found Kass in) as we walked Kass said she saw a village and she pointed at it. I saw nothing. I saw a campfire then I pointed at it and I asked, "Kass, do you see that campfire?" She said, "No I don't are you crazy or something. I am so confused right now. Suddenly fog surrounded us. I asked, "Can you see the fog?" Kass replied with, "I can see it."

Suddenly I remembered what Saoi taught me.

I started talking to Kass. I told her, " What is happening right now is that a puppelian is toying with us and it has the ability of allusion." Kass said, "I know what you're talking about!"

-a deep voice chuckled-

In a loud tone the voice said, "YOU HAVE FIGURED OUT MY TRICKS!" -the voice boomed-

All the fog disappeared and the guy was no where to be seen. I heard Kass curse under her breath when he left. We kept on walking in the forest. -about 3 hours of walking and sprinting later-

It was getting night and me and Kassidy found a village. I talked to the innkeeper and he said we could stay on the house. I said to Kassidy, "Go get some rest because we are gonna have a another day of adventuring tomorrow!" I headed off to bed and got some rest." Chris woke me up like usual. I yawned because I was kind of tired still. Kass woke up like a hyperactive person.

-2 hours later-

We got some more food and headed away from the village.

The end of chapter 5.

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