Chapter 29

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(Sole POV)
It was night time and I was doing some late night training. I was practicing my shadow element and learned how to teleport small distances. I also learned how to use fireballs. I could only throw them but couldn't control them mid-air. I guess that was the result of my training and I went to sleep.

(In the morning)
I opened my eyes and saw people surrounding me. I yelled and then realized it was my friends. Knight said, "We gotta go on a mission so wake up!" They left and I did basic hygiene things to get ready for the day. I then ran out the base and they were waiting for me. The military base was right by a beach and we had a ship waiting for us. Apparently it was a sea mission that we had to do which would be interesting. Brockton used his water powers and wind powers to make the boat go faster. Ocen was on the steering wheel and she looked like she was having fun. It was nice to feel the warm breeze.

The mission was to rob a Puppelian cargo ship. It carried bunches of materials and some type of monster. The ship was guarded by other ships and the ship was located in the Dark Sea.
From what I read about this place this sea contained several monsters.

We stopped at several islands along our path recruiting people and sending them to the TUR. It was kind of like doing 2 missions at once. Recruiting wasn't a hard task which was surprising knowing how rude people are in this world.

(At the Dark Sea)
We were at the border of the Dark Sea. We entered it and the spiritual pressure changed quickly. The sea was pitch black and no other color. We could hear explosions which was probably cannons from other ships. There was a storm and the water made the ride choppy. If we didn't hurry the boat would make it to the TUR. I heard Nicole yell, "We got company behind us!" We saw a ship the same size as ours and a short muscular person in the front. He then crashed into our boat while he had people firing at us. Knight yelled, "Brockton use your water and thunder abilities since your in the ocean and a storm is occurring!" Brockton made the water more rough making the battlefield dangerous for them. Knight then yelled, "Sole, Kassidy, Jordan, and Nicole board their ship!" "Ocen and Brockton stay back!" Ocen used her bow and Brockton rained lightning on the enemy ship. I boarded on and threw several fireballs at the ship and people on the ship. I also used my shadow sword combined with flame to easily destroy them.

(Knight POV)
I was fighting the leader of these bandits and he said, "We are the Rouges and my name is Rock!" He enhanced his fist with energy and flame and I enhanced my fist with energy. We started clashing and huge shockwaves reached to both ships. I then jumped in the air and slammed his head into the ground. He got up easily and shot fire pellets and then a fire beam. I was knocked into the ocean and saw a creature coming up to me. I got above the water and asked for help and Kassidy came down to help me. The monster than rushed to her and she was in its mouth.

(Kassidy POV)
It was like I was falling down a hole or something. I had to use my sword to cut my way out. I then said, "Monster Slayer!" I cut my way out leaving a hole inside the monster. The monster screeched in pain and then fell to the bottom of the ocean. I saw Ocen fire a large arrow which made the ship slowly sink.

(Knight POV)
The enemy's ship was sinking and I was able to get back on their ship. Rock made a massive wall of fire so he and his men could run away. He yelled, "We will fight again soon you imbeciles!" Our ship was a little broken so we patched up everything and were on our merry way.

(They catch up to the cargo boat)
We arrived at the cargo boat and it was near the Benomian's place of residence. I told Kassidy to fire a bomb at the ship but it fell in the water because we were to far away. Brockton said, "I will catch up to the ship see if you can anchor on it anytime soon. The ship was massive meaning it was carrying something huge. You could hear the roars coming from the ship which was terrifying.

(Brockton POV)
I arrived at the ship and the Puppelians attacked me. There was only one way to prevent the Puppelians making me see things. I went back to Ocen and said, "Puppelians can only make you see things if they look at your eyes." "You said your able to sense movements and hear easily right?" "Go into a blindfold and then just fight them." "Mr.Knight said, "That's putting her in danger and the cost of failing is her life." Suddenly metal creatures starting flying towards us and bombs being rained on us. Knight yelled, "Brockton rain lightning on the enemy and make a shield of water!" "Ocen use your arrows to fight off the metal beasts and Sole use your fireballs." "Kassidy steer the boat out of here, NOW!" She started driving us out and Brockton boosted us with his wind and water abilities. Brockton also decided to make a stone wall protecting us for 5 seconds.

(They make it to the TUR also Knight POV)
We made it back and I had to inform the commanders on our defeat. I knew they wouldn't be happy about it. I walked to their office door and they said, "Come in!"  I walked in and took a seat. I said, "We failed the mission of capturing the cargo." "We also met some group of people called the Rogues. One of the commanders said, "We know who they are but they are a low level threat." "The only danger in there is the leader." I said thank you and left. I was tired so I decided I would go to sleep.

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