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My alarm for class rang through like no other and my eyes shot open as if the devil himself was after me. I reached over Y/N's head to get my phone from the windowsill but quickly looked down. She wasn't there. I snatched the charger to grab the phone and turned the alarm off just for the painful echo to stop. I then felt how warm it was in the room and looked up to see the sun shining right in the spot our bed was. The heater blowing softly through the vents and I waited to hear any indication that my girlfriend was in our apartment. Then I heard a bag crinkle from the kitchen and I slowly got up from our bed with a few of my joints cracking into place.

I stretched wildly with a groan feeling the warm air wrap around me like a loose blanket. The only item of clothing on me were the cotton underwear I had and I ran my fingers through my hair with a yawn. I really didn't wanna go to class today let alone come back to sleep and work in the morning. Again, there was so much to do in such little time. I then walked out loving the freedom I had by doing whatever I wanted and noticed the kitchen light on. I walked into the kitchen to see Y/N shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

She stopped in the middle of her sipping off of her spoon and I took notice how cute she looked in gray sweatpants and her black hoodie. She slurped up the rest before quickly chewing, "Good morning honey." She smiled after swallowing her food and she looked over at the grocery bag on the counter.

"I got some eggs and bacon but forgot we don't have any pans so... I got some cereal for us." She raised the box of Fruity Pebbles and I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"When did you leave? I didn't hear you get up?" I asked as I pushed around her body to make my own bowl of cereal.

"Maybe an hour ago or so- you were really out like a light so I knew you'd be fine." She leaned her back against the counter to watch me carefully as I picked up the box of cereal.

"Comfortable?" She then questioned and I already knew she was smirking at the fact I was more than half naked.

"Very." I spoke through a mouthful of cereal and turned to look at her over my shoulder, "You should get more comfortable to." I bit back a giggle and she breathed in deep before taking another spoonful.

"When's your class?" She asked me and I knew this thing we started last night was gonna come undone within the next fifteen minutes.

"In an hour." I replied shortly and saw her nod as she hummed.

She set her bowl down and walked off into our bathroom which only threw me off completely. I ignored it either way just to finish off my cereal bowl and as I was nearing the end I heard the bathroom door open. I heard her footsteps come towards me and I turned my head to her as she softly reached for my chin. She tilted my head up and I could taste the mint on her tongue indicating she had just brushed her teeth. I slipped the bowl of cereal onto the counter gently as she caressed my jaw ever so softly. Always so fragile. Man, I loved her.

"I leave in forty five minutes, Don has me scheduled to open." She informed me and I looked into her sparkly eyes with a nod.

"Okay." I was confused and she leaned in to lay her lips upon me as her hands pressed against my hips.

"I can't make it, but you definitely can." She smirked against my lips and at that it clicked but before I could react she firmly gripped my thighs and pulled me up.

I gasped as she put me onto the counter and her lips connected with mine while her hands wandered down my body. Lightly pinching and groping at my breasts while my body started to warm up to her touch. My blood starting to pump a lot harder as my own hands tangled into her hair. My thighs somewhat uncomfortable due to the coldness of the countertop and she kissed down my neck. Sucking harshly right where my shirt would normally cover it and I bit my lip at the idea of anyone seeing such markings.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now