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"I think it's gonna rain soon, fuck, it was just sunny yesterday." I grumbled lowly as I poked the small bonfire we made.

"I feel like I'm in a tv show about to be eaten." I looked around the trees and I caught Y/N's smirk as she ate a slice of pizza.

We had really driven back into the city to grab a pizza and a few snacks just to come back.

"It might rain, but it's okay, we got that tent." She nodded her head towards her truck where we just set up our nice ass tent on the back of it.

It was cute, she tried to make it so perfect and I could see she had just boughten it. The very top of the tent had a little plastic window that we could cover up; when I first saw it I geeked out. The first night we spent was looking at the stars as she fell asleep rather quickly. We had literally every blanket that was in our rooms and we just bundled up through the night.

"Unless you wanna go and it's okay if you do." She asked me as she walked towards the fire.

"No, no it's okay, I do wanna be here. Despite the mosquitoes attacking every inch of exposed skin. I like this." I genuinely meant it too, I just didn't like bugs- even in Miami there was a shit ton of mosquitoes.

"I think I'm gonna head to the lake." She stuck up her chin cutely and I stood up with her ready to walk with her.

"Finally." I sighed and she chuckled as she put out the fire just to grab my hand.

I honestly couldn't wait until we got the marshmallows out, I felt like a kid. All giddy and wanting every piece of junk around, all the while appreciating nature. I literally felt like I was gonna be turned into a vampire any second now.

"Are you a vampire?" I obviously joked as I looked at my girlfriend, "Is that why you brought me out here? To turn me."

She laughed deeply, "Damn...you figured me out, Bello. You're too smart for your own good." She sighed loudly and shook her head.

"Is that what you want?" She played along to it as her eyes stared into mine.

"To be turned." She smirked and I wet my lips as the thought crossed my mind again.

"Uh duh." I held onto her tightly so I wouldn't fall down the slight hill.

"To be immortal with my lover, sounds amazing." I joked and I heard that laugh echo throughout the forest.

"Eh, I've been more of a werewolf kinda person." She hopped down onto a path which led up to the lake and the repair shop.

She planned this nicely, she knew where she was going.

"Ooh vampire werewolf babies." I hopped down with her carefully while she held out her hand.

I heard the large wave of branches sweep across the land and a breeze hit us. I obviously knew I couldn't get into the water but it was nice to look at. Don's shop had a good location.

"You want kids one day?" She asked me and I knew it could be a touchy subject since... well... no shining knight has entered this coochie kingdom.

"Yeah! One day, probably after college and after a couple years I've worked somewhere." I walked with her towards the weird shoreline.

It wasn't necessarily a lake but rather a huge pond- still wouldn't get in it. I'd have to make her drive down to an actual lake instead of this contamination. It was still pretty though and I liked the way the water shined in her eyes; the reflection of the waving water. She then leaned down to pick up a rock. I immediately picked one up knowing what she had in mind causing me to position my hand.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now