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Typing away on my laptop as I listened to the professor explain what exactly was on the board. Keeping up with my good note taking skills and eventually started to get lost. The subject almost switched immediately and I was making a new page for another explanation. I wanted to maintain my grades in college I didn't wanna slack off like anyone else. But.. it was fucking college and it was much easier than high school. Well, sorta. Attending classes were much easier but the assignments were a little more difficult for me to bare.

As I grabbed my notebook to write down something I felt someone hover over my shoulder. I glanced towards the girl next to me and she copied my notes. I kept back a snort and let that boost my ego, all the while I looked back at the professor. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee and I smiled to myself. That small action made me think more about Y/NN. She was everywhere, I couldn't stop thinking about her, she was in everything I saw.

My heart felt really light and I started to drift off once again when the thought of her appeared. Those eyes, that smile, that laugh and don't even get me started on the way she looks at me. As I started to think more about her I started to hype myself up. When I see her I'm just gonna kiss the hell outta her. I'm gonna make her mine faster I didn't wanna wait, I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait for her to call me hers, I was such in a deep admiration for her that I don't think it would ever change.

Crazy what a couple months can do to your life.

Then ironically, I felt my phone vibrate my butt and I looked around to see everyone moving on with their assignment. I cleared my throat knowing I probably missed five minutes worth of notes and information. I slipped my phone out anyway and let a face eating grin grow across my lips.

CoffeeCutie😍: Good morning gorgeous, you in class?

Camila🤤: i'm in the english thingy rn, why?

CoffeeCutie😍: oop maybe you need to pay attention since it's an English thingy💀💀

Camila🤤: nah, i'd rather talk to you what's up?

CoffeeCutie😍: you in the annex building? Next to my place?

Camila🤤: yess👀

CoffeeCutie😍: sweet, I'll see you when you leave, pay attention now❤️

"She is so fucking cute." I mumbled to myself but immediately heard a small snort from beside me.

"Thanks." She finished copying down the notes I had written so far.

Then quickly looked up at the professor to see a whole new topic and my stomach dropped. My jaw slacked open and the girl chuckled before tapping her MacBook.

"I got you, I needed the first half of the notes. You can have the second." She tilted her laptop towards me and I felt the need to say,

"I love you." I blurted out towards the shorter latina and she giggled.

"I'm Ally." She introduced herself as I copied down her notes.

" She introduced herself as I copied down her notes

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