- Prologue -

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"I never knew just what it was, about this old coffee shop I love so much, all of the while I never knew." I listened to the soft voice of Landon Pigg as my parents drove through downtown Portland, Oregon.

I smiled to myself, my heart feeling full and my stomach fluttering with happiness and excitement. I was officially starting my own life today and I breathed in happily. I glanced towards my mother who directed my father around in their native tongue. Soon enough they both started to get frustrated when the GPS back tracked and tried to redirect us. Nothing could've ruined my attitude though, I was so happy to just be here.

I was from the other side of the country, all the way from Miami, Florida. I was here, in a whole other environment and I was damn proud that I got here. I mean, it wasn't like PSU was my first college I wanted to attend to. I just didn't get into any school in New York or Miami so at least Portland accepted me. I had a good feeling when I searched up the school and examined the area.

Now I was here.

"Dios mio, Alejandro- you just missed the exit." My mom, Sinu, huffed through her thick Cuban accent.

"Well! I don't know these things!" They started to bicker a bit and I chuckled as I turned down my music before taking one of my ear buds out.

"Why can't they just look at the signs?" I heard my little sister sigh as she sat next to me with a look full of boredom.

I snorted as I leaned my body into the middle to look at the GPS and then saw we were on the highway again.

"Just get off right here and get back on the other way." I leaned against my dad's seat and my mom looked at me with a look.

"Just go back to listening to your music, mija." She sighed and sat back as she opened up the schools brochure.

I leaned back in my seat not wanting to get into any kind of trouble. Not when I was excited for my life to start then I heard Sofia sigh again. I looked over at her as she watched our parents somewhat argue in Spanish.

"Kill me." She groaned to herself as she stretched her legs and I giggled to myself.

She pulled out her Nintendo DS to continue playing her Mario Kart considering that's the only thing my parents could afford for right now. She concentrated on the game while I went right back to my music. I looked down at my phone to see my small group chat of friends messaging me.

Marielle😈: Baby milaaa i miss u so much :(

Sandra💘: right, rude ass miami didn't accept this little child 😭

Mariana🤗: KARLA! Are you in Portland yet? If so, any hotties?

Milaa🤘🏼: I am in portland now.. im like 2 min away 😭❤️ but no i haven't seen any yet

Francis😏: There's so many beautiful ppl in New York I think I'm in love

Milaa🤘🏼: u fall in love with the first cute girl u see france..

Sandra💘: true 😂😂

Francis😏: Exactly cutie😉

Milaa🤘🏼: oh why don't u look at that... I suddenly have 2 go


Marielle😈: Stop being a fuckboy franchise

Sandra💘: 💀💀💀 franchise

Francis😏: I've heard better comebacks girls.. get better at it smh 💀

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