Is it a date?

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Hop's POV:

The lab was closed down. Yet the structure remaining was just a reminder of all the shit from the past year. Driving by it every morning brings peace knowing that it's not up and running, knowing that there's no one there to hurt her family further.

Joyce, I can't stop thinking about her. Everything she does, says, thinks is just too much to handle. No one deserves to go what she's gone through, she's the toughest person I've ever met, but even the tough ones need help. 

Now that there's no more of the upside down in Hawkins, there hasn't been a lot to do around the town. A couple calls about some street signs being stolen, or the occasional noise complaint, but besides that nothing out of the ordinary. 

With more time free, that's just meant more time spent with her. And the more time spent with her the bigger the grave I'm digging for myself has gotten. Something about her is so addicting. As much as I tell myself I'm only hurting myself the more I get to know her, I just don't care. That's why the car's headed to her shop right now. 

Seeing the store in sight, the nerves are starting to set in, and knowing what I'm about to ask her is doing me no good. Turning the key to the car, the roar of the engine stopped, leaving an aerie silence. Taking a deep breath should calm the nerves. All you have to do is go in there, and ask if she wants to get something to eat. Doesn't have to be a date, just like friends wanting to hang out.

Walking through the door caused a small startle from the bell. Why did it make me so nervous, I knew it was coming. My breath hitched in my throat, and at some point I must've removed my hat as I felt myself subconsciously fixing my hair. 

And she didn't even realize that I had walked into the store yet. Whatever she was doing must've been really interesting, she seemed so concentrated. Joyce was so effortlessly beautiful. Inside and out. She had already been working since 8am, and it was now noon so her shift should end any moment. 

My brain seemed to stop working, why can't I think of anything to say to get her attention? Hey Joyce; seems too casual. Funny running into you here; no, that one's just stupid. You look great; could you be any more obvious. You know what, I'll just do this. Open and close the front door again in hopes she notices the bell the second time. 

Her eyes shot up from whatever binder her nose was berried in and my god they are mesmerizing. It felt amazing seeing how her face seemed to lighten up when she saw me. No, I don't want to give myself hope; but what if she feels the same way...

"Hey Hop!" She said with a smile. It was so nice to see her smile, especially after everything that's happened the past year. She's just so incredibly strong. That's it. Now she was coming over here, leaving the checkout counter.

"Joyce" I said, not able to contain my smile. Seeing her and hearing her voice instantly made my day so much better. "Is this a bad time?" I wanted to ask. If she was busy then I don't want to bother her or anything. 

"Nope, not many customers. What brings you in?" she asked. It was the goddamn head tilt. It wasn't even that noticeable, and many people probably wouldn't even know it was something she did, but whenever she wanted to know something and would ask a question, her head seemed to always tilt just the smallest bit to the left. 

Joyce's POV:

I'm so tired, this binder of all stock and inventory looks like a really comfy pillow at the moment. Maybe If I could just get through all this and no one else comes I could close early. Then the bell rang to the front door and that thought instantly left my head. 

Tearing my eyes from the fascinating numbers I looked up to see none other than Hop. I would've gone insane if it was that old lady down the street who always comes right before close and takes forever to check out, she has pretty much the whole store in her cart by the end of if. 

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