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Lonnie's POV:

The house was so quiet without anyone home, the boys gone at school. Jimmy just had to come in and swoop her away. What a waste of an empty house. If he gets in the way of my plans anymore, something will have to be done about it. 

Looking around the house, there really wasn't too much that was different besides new wallpaper. Made sense. The last time I saw this place, it looked like the inside of a psyche ward. At least the hole in the wall is fixed. No family photos, at least not ones with me in them. Nice to know I'm missed.

With no one home, I made my way over to our room. Well it was our room and it will be again, me and Joyce's. Wrapping my hand around the handle I was relieved that the door wasn't locked. That would've just been more work for me. That way I don't have to worry about locking it when I leave. 

I know how this works. Closets and drawers are the best place to see what someone's thinking. Sliding open the closet door, a box must've tipped over and fell over me. "What the hell?! Why are there so many goddamn Christmas lights?!". When has she ever used this many lights? And how much money did this cost? Such a waste. "Great, now I have to clean all this shit up" I mumbled to myself while untangling the mess of lights.

If these are the financial choices Joyce is making, I'm taking over all the money deals. How they survived this long without me is such a mystery. Thankfully I came back when I did, they must really need me here. 

So I shoved the lights back into the box they came from which also fell right next to me. Reaching up to put away the box, a jacket that looked weirdly familiar occupied my line of sight. It definitely wasn't mine, and there's no way it was Joyce's. Wayyyy too big for her. And I don't think the beanpoles, I mean my sons could have this weighing them down. 

Then it hit me, who seems to be 'conveniently' showing up at the absolute worst times. Jimmy boy must've left his jacket with my girl. No chance in hell they're dating. She would've said something, and he's too chicken to ever admit it. Maybe I should have a chat with him before anything might possibly happen between them. Besides, what's a chat between two gooooddddd friends. 

So I yanked the jacket off the Hanger and was out the door, putting it on myself. Hearing the door slam on the way out just pumped me up for my 'talk'. I jumped up into the drivers seat of my truck. Turning the keys once, a sputtering noise was heard from the engine. "C'mon you piece of shit, Work!" I yelled at the car, hitting the dash for good measures. After some sputtering noises turn into a steady roar, I was ready to leave.

Wow, driving in this shit town everything still looks the same as when I left. I swear, it's like Hawkins is stuck in the past. I kept my head down and stayed alert. There may be some guys I haven't fully payed off for... things. On my way I wanted to pass by Joyce's work, but she's not even there?! And past her lunch break. Something aint right, that's for sure. I'll look for her after the 'chat'.

On my way to the sheriffs station, I recognized some more people from highschool. No one knows I'm back in town yet, and I want to keep it that way. So I popped the collar on the jacket and slipped on sunglasses so at a glance you wouldn't know it was me driving. Word travels fast in this hick town and it's definitely not a good thing. 

Finally, the Police Station. This should be fun. Jimmy's car is there so at least he's here. The sooner this 'chat' can happen the better. He doesn't need to be sticking his nose into me and Joyce's business any more. Maybe I can give some bullshit sob story how he'd be wrong to break up a family and be a homewrecker. Anything to make that dickwad stay away from Joyce.

I took a glance into the window of the place, and "The fuck?!". Joyce? What the hell is she doing at the station?! I must be seeing things. She's supposed to be working right now. Then again she wasn't even there. 

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