Taking Action

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Joyce's POV:

Before stepping out to the kitchen to make breakfast, I leaned my ear on the door to listen for him, to see if Lonnie was awake.

When I didn't hear anything, I carefully opened the door, and saw he was passed out on the couch, with more bottles added to the collection on the floor.

He's gonna regret that when he wakes up and can't hear his own thoughts. Today's the day he's gone. I made my way around the house to hide all the alcohol bottles, full and empty, and get them away from him so he'll stay sober. That way he hopefully won't pull a similar stunt like the one last night.

Speaking of, I looked down at my wrists, and they had some pretty noticeable bruising around them. If you squint really hard they almost look like bracelets.

How am I going to hide this? Stepping outside, I felt for the weather, but it wasn't cold enough today to wear long sleeves. I guess I could just overheat. But then I won't be able to get any work done if I'm just all sweaty.

I settled on wearing a watch on one wrist, and a thicker bracelet on the other, no matter how ugly they happened to look together, or even just in general.

Before leaving for work, I got together some breakfast and lunch for Will and Jonathan. Thankfully Lonnie's so passed out I don't think he'd notice if he was floating down the quarry on a mattress. That idea doesn't sound half bad. Maybe Hopper could get me out of prison.

"Breakfast is on the counter, I'm off to work" I yelled through the boys doors. I heard a response from Will, but nothing from Jonathan. That's weird.

I knocked on his door but there was no response. When I touched the handle, the door slowly creaked open. I couldn't help but peak inside, and no one was there.

At that, I burst open the door, scared from what happened that morning we realized Will was missing. Thankfully I could catch my breath when I saw a note on his bed saying, 'had to run a few errands before school'. He was safe and that's all that matters.

Finally ready, I hopped in the car and made my way to work. While driving, I couldn't help but notice how it felt like my wrists were burning. He really did a number. The Watch and bracelet were just too much. I had to take them off.

Maybe I could have them off and no one would notice? I mean, who really pays attention to that kind of thing? I couldn't bare to keep anything on them, maybe a bandaid or two. If anyone asks, I can just say I fell and when I went to catch myself, my wrists hit the corner of our table which gave me the bruise. Yeah, that should work.

Jonathan's POV:

I packed my bag for school and I was off, right before anyone else in the house was awake. For safe measures, I put a note on my bed so mom would know I'm not missing if she tries to talk to me before work.

The possibility of being late to school doesn't matter, getting to Hopper so he can get Lonnie out of here does. The absolute sooner the better. He needs something to happen where he'll leave and NEVER disrupt this family again.

"Hey Nanc" I said as I got into her car.

"Hey" she said back, giving me a smile. I reached for the side of her face pulling her in for a quick kiss.

We then drove over to the sheriff's station. Nancy was talking on the way there about how Mike and El seemed off in their dynamic.

"...And Mike is really worried about Will, especially after what he saw about your mom" she said, softening her tone during that last line.

"Mike's worried?"Finally, Mike's realizing that El isn't the only person in the world. He's been such a shit friend to Will lately. At least he still cares. I know Will's been more down about them never hanging out anymore, I just hope he realizes he's too good for Mike.

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