Chapter 2

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I wake up and sit up on my bed.The morning light is shining in through the window in this room.

I realize I am already starting to trust the boys.I do not want to feel vulnerable again.So I need to come up with a plan to get them to take me back to the orphanage.

I am going to start out on pranks.I go downstairs and grab whip cream and a couple permanent markers.

First I go into Zayn's room and draw a mustache and I put whip cream in his hair.Then I go into Liam's room and draw a puppy face and whip cream the top of his hands.Then I go into Louis's room and and color his entire face red.

Then I go into Harrys room and write "Hello ladies" on his forehead.Then I go into Niall's room and draw rainbows on his face and I put whip cream on his eyes.

Then I go into my room and wait for the boys to wake up.Then I hear Niall scream.Then all the other guys scream too.I giggle.Wait maybe this is a bad idea.Iw ant them to take me back not hurt me.Oh no 5 boys beating me up.

Then all the boys walk into my room with stern looks on their faces.
Did you do this Rosa? Asks Zayn angrily
I nod.

All the boys sigh.
Prancing us is very disrespectful.Says Liam
So when am I going back? I ask
All the boys look confused and they have pity looks.

We are not taking you back to the orphanage.Harry says
But I pranked you guys.I protest
Look Rosa we are a little mad but we would never take you back.Says Louis
Also Rosa your a person not a item that can be returned.Says Niall

I want you guys to take me back.I whisper
Why Rosa? Asks Liam

I want you guys to take me back to the orphanage before I get attached.I do not want to get attached and then for you guys to abandon me.I explain

We would never do that to you Rosa.All the boys say in unison
Is that why you pranked us because you wanted us to abandon you before you got attached? Asks Zayn
I nod.

All the boys give me a hug and I smile for the first time in a very long period of time.
Sorry about the prank.I say
You did use washable markers right? Asks Harry
No I used permanent markers.I say sheepishly

Guys I got this.Says Liam
All the guys leave the room and only me and Liam are left.
Look I need to spank you for breaking a rule.Liam says

No please I am sorry.I say
I know but rules are rules.Says Liam
Liam pats his lap as an indication for me to lay over his lap.I lay on his lap.

Ouch please stop.I say
Stop it hurts.I say
Your done all is forgiven.Says Liam

I a-am s-s-sorry.I say in between sobs
It's ok call down.Says Liam soothingly
We are going to have a good day but no more pranks.Says Liam
Ok.I say

The boys were able to get permanent marker of their faces.Then the boys took showers because they were sticky from whip cream.

I walk into the dining room and see the boys siting at the table with food on their plates.
I am very sorry for pranking you guys.I say
The boys say "It's ok for your forgiven" in unison

Then I sit down at the table.Harry puts a plate with one bacon and one piece of bacon on my plate.I eat the piece of bacon and half the pancake.

Good job for eating.Niall whispers to me
Thanks.I whisper back

Let's watch a movie.Says Zayn
Yeah.I say
All the boys and I go into the living room.
Alright Rosa want to watch toy story? Asks Louis
Sure.I say

Then the boys run on the movie.We watch all four toy story movies and then eat dinner.I snuck most of my dinner into my napkin and did not eat any of it.Then we watched 2 Harry Potter movies.

It is about 9pm now.The third Harry Potter movie is playing.I am getting very tired.I lean my head on Niall's shoulder and fall asleep.

Comment what you think of the story.Thanks for 7 views for my story already.Have a good day.

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