Chapter 6

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I wake up and remember everything that happened.As I get up I wince in pain.My head hurts so bad.Well Jake did throw me at a wall and I hit my head.The boys would not even care though.The boys would not even believe me.

Then I put on gray adidas sweatpants and a hoodie on.Then I reapply foundation to hide my bruised cheek.I walk downstairs slowly because my head feels like it is going to explode.

I see Jake sitting in the living room watching a movie! Oh no I do not want to be around Jake.I am scared of him now.Jake hurt me yesterday! I run around and start heading back upstairs.

"Rosa come here." Jake yells
I walk into the living room and I stare at the ground.
"I heard Louis spanked you with a paddle."Jake says
"Aww poor little baby."Jake smirks

I enjoyed yesterday.Jake says laughing
"Your sick in the head."I mutter
"What did you say?" Jake asks sternly but quietly
"I said your s-sick in the h-head."I say nervously

"Maybe I need to teach you to respect men."Jake says smiling creepily
I start backing up and Jake starts walking up to me slowly until I back into a corner.

Jake takes off his clothes.Then Jake pulls off my shirt forcefully.
Jake punches me in the stomach.
"Shut up little piece of shit or I will kill you."Jake threatens

Jake is able to take off the rest of my clothes without me fighting.Then Jake rapes me and I sob.
"I know you are enjoying this baby girl."Jake says

I do not respond and just sob.Eventually what feels like hours later Jake gets up and gets dressed.Then finally Jake leaves the room.

I do not move or put my clothes back on for awhile.I just sob like a baby for hours.Then I finally put my clothes back on and go up to my room and lock my door.

I sit in my room for a couple hours listening to music and just zoning out.I hear a beep of someone's locking their car.I look out my window.

The boys are home! I hate them now.I hate Jake.I hate life.Jake raped me.I am so dirty.I am such a whore.

I run into my bathroom and slam the door shut.I take a long shower just trying to make myself clean.After my shower I still feel so dirty.

I brush my hair and put on pajamas even though it's like noon.Then I walk downstairs.The boys are in the kitchen eating sandwiches.I look around to be sure.
At least Jake is gone.

"Come eat Rosa."Says Harry
I ate my entire sandwich without a fight.I just feel so defeated.I was zoning out and Jake raping me keeps played on my head over and over.

"ROSA."Yells Niall getting my attention
"Yeah sorry what's up?" I say
"Are you ok?" Asks Liam
"You were zoned out and not taking for ten minutes."Says Zayn concerned

"Yeah I am f-fine."I say
I put my plate in the sink and go into my room and lock the door.I put my earbuds in and blast one direction music.

All the sudden Niall comes into my room looking mad and he yanks my earbuds out of my ear.
"Niall what was that for?" I ask

"I have been calling your name and knocking on your day for a long time."Niall explains
"Your door was locked too."Niall says
"Sorry I was listening to music and I could not hear you."I apologize

"It's fine."Niall sighs
"Are you ok Rosa?" Niall asks

Am I ok? No I am not ok.Jake is abusing me.Jake raped me.Jake lied and said I was bad so I got spanked hard with the paddle by Louis for nothing.My head feels like it is going to explode.I probably have a concussion.

"ROSA."Niall yells
"Sorry."I Apologize
"I am ok Niall."I lie not daring to look him in the eyes.
"Rosa are you sure your ok?" Niall asks
"Yeah I am just tired."I say this time looking at him.
Niall leaves the room.

I have been in my room all day by myself.Right now I am drawing in a sketchbook.Louis opens the door to my room and I immediately hide my sketchbook under my pillow.

"Hey kiddo can I talk to you? Louis asks
I nod.
"Look I know I punished you hard.Is that why you have been in your room all day?" Louis asks

"No I just do not feel good."I say
I am not exactly lying my head has been feeling like it is going to explode.
"What does not feel good?" Asks Louis

"I just have a headache."I say
"Well come downstairs for dinner.I will set some Tylenol next to your plate of food at the table."Louis says
"Thanks."I say

I walk downstairs and sit at the table.Liam sets a plate of spaghetti in front of me.I eat half of the spaghetti.Then I take of sip of water and swallow the Tylenol.

"Why are you taking Tylenol?" Asks Zayn
"I have a headache."I say annoyed and feeling like crap
"No attitude I was just wondering."Zayn says
"Yes sir."I whisper and I look down avoiding eye contact

I remember what Jake said before he raped me.Show men respect.I whimper softly.

"Are you ok?" Harry asks
"Yeah I am fine."I say running up to my room and slamming the door shut

I told Rosa to stop with the attitude because I was only asking why she was taking Tylenol.All the sudden Rosa looks at me with a look of pure fear.

Then Rosa said "Yes sir.Why is Rosa afraid of me?
What did I do? I push the thoughts away thinking maybe Rosa is just tired.

I just lashed on top of my bed.I did not get under the blankets or anything.I just sobbed myself to sleep.

Were you guys expecting that? Sorry that scene got a little inappropriate.Thanks for 2 likes and 71 views to my story! Have a nice rest of your day!🌞

PS:Any of you Christians out there if you have time please pray for my mom who is in the hospital and pray for my dad who is 47 years old and he is in a nursing home.
(Also not trying to offend anyone who is not a Christian)

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