Chapter 13

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2 weeks later^^^^
Elsa is a month old now.I have to give her up for adoption.I have got so attached to Elsa.I love her so much.

I would be incredibly selfish to keep her though.I am only 13 years old.I am not old enough to raise a child.I am not old enough to be a good mother to baby Elsa.

Elsa and I have already got ready today.Elsa's clothes and toys are all packed in a backpack for her.
I write a note.

Dear Elsa Ivy Payne,
I am sorry that I gave you up for adoption.I am just two young to raise you right.It would be to selfish for me to keep you.Do know that I love you more than anyone else in my life.I know you will find a good home with good people.I want that for you.I just cannot give to you.I hope you understand my decision.
-Your mother

I put the note into the front pouch of her backpack.I walk downstairs.All the boys are dressed and ready to go to the orphanage.

I walk out do the house and get into the Limo with the boys.The drive to the orphanage is silent.I just spend the time looking at baby Elsa.

We arrive at the Orphanage.I get out of the car with Elsa and her backpack.All the boys start getting out do the car.

"No you guys stay here.I need to do this by myself."
I say firmly
All the boys nod.

I walk up to the orphanage doors and knock on the door.A lady opens the door.

"I here to give my baby up for adoption."I say
The tears start coming freely down my cheek.

"Ok come on in sweetie."Says the lady
"I am Mrs.J."She says
I hold onto Elsa and walk with Mrs.J into a room in the back.

"What's the baby's name?" Asks Mrs.J
"Elsa Ivy Payne."I say
"How old is she?" Mrs.J asks
"Elsa is a month old."I say

"I was raped.I am only thirteen years old.I can not properly take care of her.I want her to go to a good home.Also there is note in the front pouch of her backpack.Will you make sure she gets that when Elsa is old enough to read? I love her so much."I say

"I understand.I will take good care of Elsa."
Says Mrs.J
I hand her Elsa and the backpack with Elsa's stuff.
"Thanks for taking her."I say sobbing
"No problem."Says Mrs.J

"Good bye Elsa I love you so much."I say kissing her
I walk out of the orphanage and get into the car.I start sobbing like a baby.All the boys hug me.

I knew the boys will take care of me.I know the boys will help me through this.Elsa is going to be ok.I know that I am doing what's best for Elsa.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now should I write a sequel to this story?Please comment to yes or no.



Have a good day.And thank you for all the watt pad readers out there that took the time to read this story.Please like and comment to this story.Have a good day!

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