Chapter 3

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I wake up suddenly and I sit up immediately.
"AHHH IT HURTS PLEASE STOP DADDY." I hear Rosa scream.I scramble out of my bed and run into her room.

I wonder if Rosas dad ever hurt her.I see Rosa still screaming asleep in her bed.I shake her awake.
"Are you ok?" I ask
"You were screaming in your sleep." I say

"Yeah I am fine." Says Rosa
"It's ok it was just a dream it wasn't real." I soothe
"Did you not sleep ok?" I ask

"I did not sleep well I have woken up many times."
Rosa  nods and then sighs.

I have a feeling their is more to the story but I let it go.Then I walk out of Rosa's room and go into my room to take a shower and get ready.

I hate when my nightmares are flashbacks of my past.That particular flashback was when my dad gave me my tattoo.

I still remember my dad laughing as I screamed in pain.Niall said it was just a nightmare and it is not real.If only he knew.

I get into the shower.Once I have washed my hair and my body I step out of the shower and wrap the towel around me.

Then I stare at myself in the mirror.I am such a fat ugly person.Frankly I am just a waste of space.

I get dressed into a warm out hoodie and jeans with holes in them.(They are not holy jeans the jeans are just worn out and old and small for her)

Then I put my hair into a messy bun.Then I do my makeup.I put on foundation,blush,eye shadow and eye liner.It makes me feel more secure if I hide my ugly face with a lot of make up.

Then I walk downstairs and all the boys are eating waffles and sausage.I sit at the table with them.

"Hey Rosa did you sleep well?" Asks Louis

I nod.Why am I lying? I just do not want worry them and plus I do not want to tell them the details about the nightmare.They would find out about my tattoo.Niall shoots me a look.

At first I am confused but then I realize something.I told Niall I did not sleep good.So Niall knows I lied.

I look at my plate.Just looking at food makes me feel sick.

"You gonna eat?" Asks Liam
"No I am not hungry." I say
"Eat." Says Zayn sternly

I eat 7 bites.
"Please can I be done if I eat anymore I am gonna hurl." I say
"You have done well." Says Harry

I walk back up to my room and Niall stops me in the hallway.

"What was that?" Niall asks
"Why did you lie?" Niall asks
"I do not want to worry them." I say simply

"Lying is against the rules." Says Niall sternly
Niall sighs.
"I will let it go this time but if you lie again you will be punished." Says Niall
I sigh in relief and nod.

"Rosa come here." Yells Harry
I walk back into the dining room and look at Harry.
"We are taking you shopping you need some clothes and stuff." Says Harry

"I have enough clothes you guys do not need to spend money on me." I say
"We do not need to spend money on you we want to." Says Louis

I smile and nod.All the boys go upstairs and get dressed and then they walk downstairs.
"Ready to go?" Asks Zayn

I nod.We all walk out of the house.Or I should say the mansion.We get into a limo parked out front.

We have been in the car for less then five minutes when we arrive at the mall.The boys put on disguises.
"Why do you guys have to wear disguises?" I ask
"We will talk about it later." Says Liam

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