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TW: Mentions of self-harm and attempted suicide.


After landing on Sokovia, Lorna took Bucky to the Sokovian Memorial, a monument assembled in memory of the victims of the Battle of Sokovia in 2015. It featured a tall statue depicting a traditional Sokovian family in its center.

The heavy silence between them proved they didn't finish their conversation after the stewardess's interruption. Lorna was trying to come to terms with her newfound jealousy, and Bucky tried to understand why her reaction caused him too much satisfaction.

"I thought you'd be here sooner," Zemo commented as he stood facing the statue, as Lorna had predicted. "Don't worry, James. I've decided I'm not going to kill you."

"Imagine my relief," Bucky replied sarcastically, holding a gun in his flesh hand.

The Baron turned and approached the duo.

"The girl had been radicalized beyond salvation. I warned Sam, but he didn't listen to me. He's as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him."

"I guess that's a required trait for Captain America. Endless hope." Lorna pointed out.Helmut nodded, opening a small smile at the woman in agreement.

"But you, James, they literally programmed you to kill. Do what needs to be done. Karli has people everywhere, and there's only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission."

The Sokovian female pursed her lips. She didn't like when people suggested Bucky be an assassin. That was the Winter Soldier, and Bucky was never he.

"I appreciate the advice," the former Sergeant replied monotonously with his husky voice. "But we're gonna do it our own way."

Zemo chuckled softly. "Yeah. I was afraid you would say that."

Bucky clicked the handgun and pointed it at Zemo's face, who seemed to embrace his fate. When he pulled the trigger, nothing came off. The White Wolf smiled at the noble's surprised face and dropped the blank bullets out of his Vibranium hand, proving he wasn't a murderer anymore.

The Dora Milaje, led by Ayo, arrived then to arrest Zemo.

"Ladies..." he greeted them and then faced Bucky again. "I took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do." The former Winter Soldier nodded. "Goodbye, James." His attention focused on Lorna. "He is an idiot if he doesn't notice the amazing woman you are. If we were under different circumstances, I would've invited you for dinner."

Lorna blinked.

"Maybe I would've accepted."

Zemo nodded as if that was enough. "If you ever plan on going to Latvia again," he fished a key out of his coat pocket, handing it to her. "Make good use of it. It was a pleasure working with you, Ms. Maximoff."

"The pleasure was mine, Baron," she nodded respectfully, pocketing the key to his house.

Yama and Nomble took him away.

"We will take him to the Raft, where he'll live out his days," Ayo told them. "It would be prudent to make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf."

"Fair enough," Bucky complied.

"And you, Polaris. Princess Shuri and Okoye still await your visit."

"I'll remember that. Thank you, Ayo."

The women shared a last smile before the second in command left.

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