Chpt. 8: Teacher's Pet

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Sorry there's no color. It's just pencil. (use your imagination!)


Spencer stood in front of the stands. Everyone was talking and either didn't notice him or didn't care.

"Hey, we can talk every time you guys come in here. It'll just be your necks on the line when you go in the ring with your rides."

The room fell into quiet.

He sighed. "Well, that means I have to actually plan lessons." He shrugged and clapped once. "Okay, run down. In here, you'll be working directly with a dangerous animal."

He grinned at the nervous whispers. "Not your rides."

There were relieved sighs.

"My bonded ride."

At that moment, there was a thud, and dozens of wide eyes snapped to the widest entrance. There was a moment of stillness, and then a head popped out. It was close to the ground, peering in uncertainly.

Spencer groaned. "Bro, you were supposed to make a dramatic entrance."

The creature ducked back behind the wall.

"Well, now it's too late! Just get in here."

A collective gasp went up as the animal stepped out. It wasn't a dragon, as Kristen had first thought. Its body was like a fiery suit of armor with plates layered throughout the length. Even though it came in with shyness, its fluid movements promised untold speed. The claws weren't long, but they were thick and clacked against the floor in the silent room.

"Stupid drake," Spencer muttered, but he was grinning.

The animal stopped behind the instructor, hiding his head behind Spencer.

Spencer rolled his eyes. "Everyone, meet Tobias, my ride."

Kristen examined him. She'd forgotten there were other types of creatures here. Dragon rider was only a general term. She wondered how many of these dragon riders were actually bonded with other species.

"He'll be my partner in making sure you greenhorns don't get burned to a crisp or crushed."

Spencer went over a few more things about his class, but Kristen was distracted by Tobias. Something about him. She couldn't stop staring.

After a while, the drake rolled his shoulders and peeked over Spencer's head at the crowd. Kristen didn't flinch when he met her stare. Tobias rumbled, and Spencer's voice stopped.

"Are you distracting my ride?"

Kristen was jarred from her stupor. She blushed when she realized every eye was on her. "I-I'm sorry, I..."

Spencer shrugged. "I know he's better looking, but look here."

Kristen blushed harder and sank into her seat.

"So tomorrow, I want you all to be in your seats with light clothing." He smirked. "Try not to wear anything that'll easily catch fire. Also, we'll be starting with weapons training tomorrow."

He held up a hand at the chatter. "You should never, ever harm your ride if you can help it. It'll seriously inhibit your bond. These are more for later sessions. But, on the off chance that you're in serious danger, you need to know how to use them."

Someone in the back spoke up. "We already went through training with weapons."

Spencer nodded. "We'll be building on that. You need to know which weapons you work well with. But remember that we'll be well-versed in any craft." He smiled. "Any questions?"

"When do we get to work with our rides?"

"Any time you want."

Chatter exploded.

"But let me give you a picture of how things go." Spencer waited until he had their attention. "When you first meet your ride after bonding, they're going to test you. In the past, there have been manufactured bonds that wrecked havoc. They're more cautious now. So they're going to attack you, push the limits. The more determination you show, the more they feel the bond is true and ready for the next step."

He paused. "Maybe I should take you guys down to the med tent. Then, you can see what's come out of an early meet in the past."

A few of the older people paled. Kristen figured they'd already wandered by.

"So, if you wanna test your luck, go right ahead. But it's safer for all parties if you go with the tried-and-true methods."

With those last words of wisdom, Spencer sent them off.


A routine emerged. In the early mornings, Kristen headed to the arena after snatching some breakfast with the crowd. She spent roughly four hours training with Spencer. There was a quick break for lunch, and then she was off to the library with Sylvia. She spent roughly four hours there, and then left for dinner. Usually, after that, Kristen went back to the library on her own.

William had been right. She was utterly exhausted. The bed started looking more and more comfortable earlier and earlier in the evenings.

On the bright side, Kristen was developing a strong friendship with Drea. The librarian usually stopped by a few hours into Kristen's overtime to share a cup of hot chocolate or tea. On one of those occasions, she started up a new conversation.

"Seriously, you're spending way too much time here."

Kristen yawned and reached for the cup. "I just need t' catch up, and then I can relax."

Drea shook her head. "Pretty sure nobody in your class knows as much as you. The only person here more often is me. The others don't even pay attention during their regular study sessions."

Kristen shrugged. "They probably knew more than I did comin' in. I didn't even know what a dragon rider was until I became one."

Drea sipped slowly. "I'm just saying. If you aren't careful, you're gonna collapse during one of Spencer's sessions, and then you're gonna have a major problem."

Kristen didn't tell her that she was already struggling on that point.

"Know what?" Drea stood. "I'm locking the doors to you for the next week."

"What?! You can't do that!"

Drea grinned and flipped her braid. "I'm the librarian, missy. I have all the authority in the school. And I don't want to see you outside of study hours for seven days exactly."

Kristen groaned and rested her head on her book.

"Go find some friends or something! Go explore the school! Heaven knows with all the time you've spent here, you haven't seen half of it."

What do you think of Kristen's schedule? If you have questions, I don't mind answering if you give me a little time! :)

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