Vexa grounded

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Back with Void....

Vexa is still nervous as she is invisible

Void: Null, did you free the lizard?

Null- No

Fibber didn't buzz*

Void: Okay next.

Nega Death sits on the table*

Void: Nega Death, did you free the lizard?

Nega Death- No...

Fibber didn't buzz*

Void: Okay next.

Definite sits at the table*

Vexa gulps

Void: Did you do it?

Definite: No.

Fibber didn't buzz*

Void: Vexa, your last.

Vexa gulps and turns visible

Void: Vexa... Did you free the lizard?

Vexa- N.. No.

Fibber buzzed*

Void gasped*

Vexa- What ?! Tht cant be right ! This aint right !

Void: Vexa! Why did you free him?!

Vexa- Me ?! But I didnt ! I thought of it but I didnt do it !

Void: Grrrr, well he took the mind stone! So I'm going to punish you! You are going to clean up my clothes for a week!

Vexa- But Dad Im telling you ! I didnt do it !

Void: Better pray that Alfred gets back here with the mind stone, cause I'm disappointed in you.

Vexa has tears* 

Nega Death: Ouch. 

Back with Savy and four of her siblings* 

Savy: Why do you insist of taking me in the sewer Issac?

Lexy- This is Lame

Issac: Com'on, this is where we put our weapons to the test.

The heard lasers firing and a roar*

Vincent- Whats going on ?!

They went to see, they see the 10 battle droids firing their weapons at the lizard*

Battle droid 1: Tell us where Mind stone is!

Lizard: Never!!!

Samartha- Should we help him ?

Savy: He's trying to get away from them! He needs our help. 

Savy yells and attacks the battle droids*

The siblings fight s well

They destroyed the battle droids, the lizard is out cold*

Issac- What do we do?

Savy: We can't just leave him here.

Markus: Yeah.

Issac- Alright. Let's go.

Back with Vexa.....

Vexa slammed the door to her room tearful and angry as Smaug, Astro amd Mammoth Mutt are on the bed.

Vexa- How could they do this to me ?! I was telling the Truth !

Vexa tears up as she made it over and sit in her bed.

Vexa- I don't deserve to be treated this way ! I didnt do anything !

Smaug whimpers*

Astro crawls to her wondering what happened

Floris is confused*

Astro coos why she didnt do

Vexa-( Sniffles ) It doesnt matter nobody believes me anyway. Not my Sibs , not even Dad....

Vexa sniffles as she wipes her eyes

Floris snuggles her*

Mammoth Mutt and Smaug do as well and Vexa hugs them. Astro coos he believes her.

Vexa- Really ?

Astro nodded making Vexa smile sadly.

Vexa- I'm going to need to cool down for a little bit somewhere else.... 

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