Fighting Queen wasp and Mother bee

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Back with them.....

Panty and Stocking are at the strawberry cafe as the other girls came in hanging out

Stocking: I love this!

Panty- Me too !

Silva smiles and eats her strawberry tart*

Sheflames talks to Weiss

Sherflames: And my husband Megavolt is taking care of our kids.

Weiss- Oh you have kids now ? Geez where have you been all our lives ? The Family company hs been running low

Sherflames: I see. 

They heard buzzing*

Weiss- Huh ?

Panty looks out the window

Panty- What the shit ?!

Queen wasp is on her sentimonster Mother bee and her little bees*

Panty remembers her .

Panty- Holy fucking shit ! Stocking its that Queen Bee Barby!

Queen wasp: I'm back losers!

Stocking- I cant believe this.

Queen Wasp- And Im gonna make you pay ruining my popular !

Silva sees the Mother bee's minions stinging people making everyone fall in love with her

Silva: I better tell mom. *leaves*

Back at the castle, Fat Nuggets nuzzle Savy's legs*

Smarty- Awwwww

Angel dust: Looks like my nuggies likes you.

Savy: Yeah. *Pets him*

Smarty smiles

Silva came in: Mom, dad! We have a situation!

Smarty- Why is it Sil ?

Silva: Take a look outside.

They look amd see Queen Wasp making people worship her

Savy: I guess Void is at it again, we're going to need Amy and Crystal's help with this.

Bacl with Panty and stocking....

Panty- Stocking ?

Stocming- Panty ?

Panty- Lets do this !

The Anarchy Sisters transform into their anime forms with their angel outfits as their song "Fly Away" plays revealing their bright cyan wings and halos

Queen Wasp: You think you two can stop me in my akumatized form?

Panty- Maybe not but we sure hell can distract your big ass !

The Anarchy Sisters recite their Transformation chant as Panty subtly removes her panties as Stocking removes her leg warmer .

Both- Repent , Motherfucker !!

Their garments transform into an Angel Gun and an Angel Katana

Queen Wasp: Bees, sting them!

The Angel Sisters get their groove on as they shoot and sliced several bees as Ladybug and Cat Noir arrived

But Rena Rouge and Vesperia are with them*

Rena Rouge: So what's the plan Ladybug?

Ladybug: I want you two to make the Mother bee be like a statue, me and Cat noir will deal with Queen wasp.

Vesperia: I think me and Rena Rouge have an idea.

Panty stops

Panty- What the ? Who the fuck are you hookers l?

Ladybug: I'm ladybug and these are my friends.

Queen Wasp: Well it's about time you showed up Ladybug! Mother bee, deal with them!

The two groups split up*

They dodged as Panty shoots more bees while Stocking sliced many

Rena Rouge plays the flute: Mirage! *Creates an illusion of big flowers*

Mother bee and her bees are amazed and they head to the flowers until Vesperia pops out*

Vesperia: Surprise! Venom! *As her stinger stings the Mother bee*

The mother bee is frozen and her bees are frozen too*

Queen Wasp- Mother bee ! No !

Ladybug: Looks like your powerless.

Queen Wasp: So I am, but I have these. *As she dropped the eggs on the ground creating more minion bees*

They get away from them*

Ladybug: Okay, we're going to need extra help, Lucky charm! *as a snorkel appeared*

Cat Noir- A snorkel ?

Ladybug looks: Of course, bees hate water, Panty, Stocking, you two distract her bees, we're going to take Queen wasp in the water to weaken her.

Stocking smiles: Your speaking my language!

Panty- Aww yeah !

Panty and Stocking jumped out to deal with the bees*

Ladybug and Cat Noir went

Ladybug grabbed Queen wasp*

Queen wasp: Hey!

She put the snorkel on her mouth and they went in the water, she tries to use her powers on them but nothing happened*

Cat Noir cataclysmed her crown and the akuma came out, Vesperia broke Mother bee's necklace and the amok came out*

Queen Wasp turned back into Human and pushes Savy from her and went back up the surface panting heavily

Ladybug caught the akuma and amok and released the good butterfly and feather*

Ladybug throws Snorkel in the air: Miraculous ladybug! *as the magic fixed everything*

Everyone snapped out of it and every building is fixed*

Charlotte the bee is back to normal: Wha- what happened?

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