Chapter 2

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In the morning of the next day

My alarm goes off.

Time to wake up.


I get out of bed and change for school.


I open my bedroom door and dash for the kitchen, grabbing a packet of waffles from the cupboard.

Running back to my room I open the packaging.

Now sat on my bed, I stuff my face tidily.

I finish my food and get my bag ready for school when the doorbell rings.

I answer it.

"Oh hey Yammaguchi," I say welcoming him in. "Kei is in the kitchen,"

I call out to Kei to let him know that I'm leaving and start walking to school.

Kei's POV

Me and Tadashi were walking to school together when all of a sudden Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka and Nishinoya just show up out of nowhere.

"Hey Tsukki you never actually told us who that girl was yesterday," Noya asks me.

"I told you she's my neighbour."

"Just tell them." Tadashi whispered in my ear.

"Fine, she's my sister, that's all." I said.

"Why didn't you want us to know?" Suga asked.

"Because I didn't."

"Why don't you invite her down to watch tomorrow?"

"Naaah, she's got basketball."

"What about if she watches our match next week and we watch one of hers."

"If she wants to then I guess tht would be fine. She also has a match next week, the night after ours."

"Great" Daichi says " We'll just have to let the other boys and coach know."

Cho's POV                 At Basgetball practice

"Heyy Cho, you feeling any better?" My best friend Emi asked.

"What? Ohhh, yeah I feel much better."

"Do you know what happened?" Asked another girl on my team.

I definitely did know but I didn't think they needed to know that so I just told them that I had no idea.

We talked about yesterday for a little while  and then started to warm up.

Later in the evening

I was walking home with Emi and we'd finaly reached her house so she left and I walked down the street while listening to music.

Turning the key to the door and opening the door I feel someone grab onto my back.

I screamed so loud I think the entire street heard it.

I turned around and saw Kei.

"Shut up you'll get into trouble from the neighbours."

"I thought I was your neighbour." I teesed.

He 'gently' hit me on the back of the head and we walked inside.

"Um.. sorry about that. They all found out who you are want to meet you so we're going to come watch your next game and you can come watch our next game."

I hum in response.

'That's alot of pressure. An entire boys volleyball team watching my team play specifically me.'

A little while later

"Oi! Cho!" Kei yelled.


"Can you make dinner, Yammaguchi is comming over!"

"Yes what are we making!"


I started making it and then all of a sudden.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.

"SMOKE DETECTOR!!" Both me and Kei yelled in unison.

"New record!!!!"  I shouted.

This was the new record of me nearly burning down the house while making Tempura. (We do this every time.)

"Congrats!" Kei calls from his room.


Hi this book is fun to write.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a nice day.


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