Chapter 11

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Cho's POV

After my sad moment I decided to go scavenge my wardrobe for something 'nice' to wear.

Mission, unsucessful.

That's only because I don't go to parties.

I wouldn't even go if it was a close friends party, but the fact that I knew bearly anybody there made it much worse.

I eventually found some black leggings, a plain white shirt and a black hoodie to wear.

I also got out a small backpack to put  my powerbank, phone charger, earbuds, water and a snack in becase I don't like party food.

''Come on Cho we need to leave.'' Kei called from the kitchen.

I walkd down the stair purposefully being as loud as possable.

''You look like a sketchy teenager,'' Yammaguchi said.

I replied with a thank you because it was late at night and in our town the sketchy teenagers are practically invisable and tonights goal ws exactly that. Being invisable to people.

We walked down to where they should be meeting up, but it wasn't really much of a party. It was basically just the team getting together at the local park. It must have just ben the team members aswell because nor their coach or either of the managers were there.

I, Yammaguch and Kei all just walked over to an area where nobody was. At least I wasn't the only one who didn't want to be there.

However, as soon as I saw someone begin to approach us even the slightest bit I went and sat at a bench to play on my phone.

I didn't really want anyone to bother me either so I put my earbuds in and my hood up. That way I would be less visable to people.

Things were going well and nobody had noticed me.

Until, tangarine spotted me.

I didn't notice at first but then he came running at me shouting my name.

''HOLY BEGISERS!'' I yelled falling backwards off the bench.

That goes into the top ten most embarassing and painful moments of my life.

I got my self back up again while Hinata was scolded.

Then the same boy who'd helped me not to long ago checked that I was Ok.

I wasn't but I said that I was.

Hinata then came over and apologised for what he did and I forgave him.

He seemed rather confused as to how  wasn't as mean as ''Tsukki''.

Then I said, ''What you mean like this: ugly tangarine better not call him that around me, and even me for a matter of fact.''

He repied with a hey and then a why.

''Because it's my name to you dummy.''

In response he gave me the longest ohhh I have ever heard.

''So you are like him.''

''By choice, depends on my mood.''

We both went silent meaning that I could hear my music more clearly. One of favourite songs were playing so I started to hum along to it.

''What are you listening to?'' he asked.

''None of your business.''

He looked sad when I said that but I knew that shouldn't get attatched because every time I get attatched it ends up being time to let go.

I make that mistake to often but I wan't going to make it this time.

After being there for about three hours I decided that I should go home.

I walked up to Kei and said ''Give me the key.''


''Are you dumb or something? I'm going home.''

''Not on your own you aren't,''

To that I rolled my eyes, he's so overprotective. I'm only a year younger than him.

After a while of debating on me going home on my own I was sent to walk home with this bald creep and this guy who looked like a freaking child.

They were the two who were practically drooling when they looked at I and the managers, (definitely not over me).

When Hinata saw me with them he looked rather sad and I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

Honestly I'd rather be with him than these weirdos.

The bald guy kept trying to be flirty so I told him his bald head looked like an egg. That shut him up for sure, even though it was pretty bad insult.

When I got home, I slammed the door in their faces. I will never regret that decission.


Helllooooo. I can't belive that only one week ago we were on 100 reads and now we're on 200. Thank you so much, I hope you have a lovely day.


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