Chapter 27

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Cho's POV

We ran through many streets, some busy, some extremely empty.

Then, we reached the busiest street we'd been in and slowed to a stop to get some rest.

Thinking we'd lost 'the search party' we sat under a small shelter to rest our legs, but then I saw them appearing distantly.

I stood up immediately and grabbed 'Hinata's' hand, it seemed smaller than before, so I looked beside me and saw that I had taken some random child rather than Hinata!

Quickly I returned the child to the parent.

After all that commmotion, me and a very unhappy Hinata, we ran once again, somehow ending up in the same place we had started.

Then we saw Lev getting kicked in the stomach by Yaku which made me chuckle a little.

But, that was a problem because now that they had seen us, 'the search party' could ask about it and they could point them in our direction.

We ran through a long alleyway and took a right at a four way corner, and that lead us to a rubble pathway that led us up to a hilltop park where nobody was. They'd never find us here and even so, if they came anywhere near our spot, we could see them from miles away.

We stayed there for a while chatting on about random stuff like volleyball and the view.

I was enjoying myself so much that I lost track of time, and I think Hinata did too.

It began to get dark, then I got confused.

"Wait, what time is it?" I asked.



"C'mon, we'd best hurry up!" I yelled already half way down the park mountaintop.

Running down the mountain, my hair flowing in the strong winds that can't be felt from down below.

It felt awesome.

Eventually we got back to the school and entered the gym. Everyone ran up to us clearly relieved to see that we were back constantly asking us things like "Where were you?" and "Are you OK?". Except from a very angry group of cosches, Kei, Tadashi, Suga, Daichi, Ennoshita and Asahi.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE GO TO YOUR ROOMS APART FROM, YOU TWO!" Shouted Coach Ukai, really making his anger stand out on the words 'you two'.

I gave Hinata a, 'We're in a lot of trouble look' and he did too.


"Um.." I muttered, I didn't know what to say.


"I only did that since Kei was being overprotective and not letting me go with Hinata. While we were trying not to get caught, we lost track of time." I say, making up a little part of it, nobody looked impressed.

"As your punishment, you both have to cook all the rest of the meals and clean the rest of the dishes until we go home, starting now. Chop, chop, go get working, you've got dishes to clean."

Me and Hinata left the room embarrassed, dreading our punishment, though it wasn't all that bad.

We entered the kitchen and our jaws dropped at the amount of dishes, I had done this before but with a lot more people and a lot less dishes than this.

"That's a lot of dishes" Hinata said.

"Noooo it's barely anything." I said sarcastically.

"No it isn't" Hinata said clearly not getting it.

"I can see that, have you every heard of sarcasm?" Hinata just looked at me blankly with a confused look on his face.

After two whole hours of cleaning dishes and chatting, we left to go to our rooms.

As soon as I got back I showered and went to sleep.

I woke super early in the morning in order to make breakfast with Hinata.

When I got there Hinata was already starting.

"Honestly, it's not exactly the best idea to put you inside of a kitchen, especially with me." I say.

"Heyy, that's not very nice!" He complains while I laugh at his reaction.

We somehow make breakfast successfully without burning the building down, but I did drop a plate and it smashed all over the floor.

Both of us were very relieved to be able to finally sit down and eat, but then by the time we'd done that, we had to clean the dishes, again.

Poor Hinata hadn't managed to play any games yet today and I felt kinda bad because this was all my fault.

"Hey Hinata, you go play, I'll do all these dishes."

"Are you sure?" He asked excitedly and I nodded.

"Enjoy!" I said loudly as he walked down the corridor and he smiled at me brightly, I smiled back.

Just as I thought I was alone, I began to clean the dishes when Kei snuck up on me. He looked very mad at me.

"Just get over it, it's not that big of a deal." I say ignorantly.

"You need to stop hanging about with Hinata."

"NO! Why would I ever do that? Plus, what does it have to do with you, it's not affecting you in any way." I snapped angrily.

"Just do it, or else."

"OR ELSE WHAT, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO HUH?" I hollered fiercely, he'd already left by this point he'd already left, but I knew he heard me.

Stubborn brother, he doesn't let me do anything.

He's so boring

Nothing he ever does exciting.

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