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Your P.O.V.:

"Howl, we're coming in," I shouted, knocking on your door twice. Opening it, I looked around to find small trinkets of all shapes and sizes covering every corner of the room. "Howl must be a collector," I laughed at Sophie, who was carrying a small platter with a glass of hot milk. She seemed unhappy for some strange reason, but I ignored it and chose to focus on the colourful room. There were feathers, necklaces, stuffed animals and dream catchers.

In the middle of this mess was Howl, his hair was now dark black and scattered around him on some flower-printed pillows. "I brought you some hot milk. Do you want a sip?" Sophie asked timidly, to which he shook his head with minimal effort. Looking at him, she smiled a little and put him on a cluttered table next to the bed. "I'll leave it here for you, then. Try to drink before it gets cold," she murmured.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door when Howl moved a little. "(Y/N), wait," he sighed, his eyes still closed. Confused and a little worried, I went back to the side of his bed, Sophie's eyes low. "Wait for me," I murmured at her and she waved her head, leaving.

"Do you want some milk?" I asked and he shook his head again. Sighing a little, I sat in a nearby seat and continued to observe the room. Small tinkle from the ceiling, but it was almost impossible to find out where it came from. The room was full of antiques. Howl's beautiful blue eyes opened. "The Witch of Waste is trying to find my castle," he spoke softly. I looked up to find a strange hanger-like object that projected a bright yellow light and nodded. "Sophie said she saw one of her henchmen in the harbour," he said.

Howl turned to avoid looking at me and I wondered if he had said something wrong. "I'm a coward. All I do is hide. And all this magic is just to keep everyone away... I can't stand how scared I am," he whispered the last part. My eyes widened a little and I almost reached out to try to hug him, but I retracted and retreated ( lol🪆). He probably doesn't want to talk about it, I thought.

Changing the subject, "Howl, why is the Witch of Waste trying to find you?" I asked. He turned in bed to look at the ceiling. "She was once very pretty, so I decided to chase her. Then I realised she wasn't, so, as always, I ran away," he said. I rolled my eyes jokingly with his dramatic behaviour.

"I can't run much longer; I have to report to the palace," he murmured. "As both Pendragon and Jenkins..."

"How many aliases do you have, anyway?" I asked, curious.

A small bitter smile contracted in the corners of his mouth. "As many as I need to maintain my freedom."

A small empathetic silence fell and, without thinking, I let it slip: "Just refuse the invitation of the king!"

"See this?" He pointed to a piece of parchment pierced with several daggers, darts and other objects. "This is the oath I took when I entered the Royal Sorcery Academy. I must report to the palace whenever summoned," he sighed defeated.

Looking at his downcast face, I had a sudden wave of determination. "You know what, Howl? I think you should see the king!" I smile.

His eyes were opened and he looked at me. "What?"

"Give him a piece of your mind. Tell him that this war is useless, and that you refuse to participate, huh?" I encouraged him to sigh and walk away once again.

"You obviously don't know what these people look like..."

Taken by surprise, I tried to recover quickly: "But he is the king; he should want to hear what all his citizens have to say."

A few seconds of silence passed when he suddenly straightened up in bed; throwing the covers out of his body with renewed energy. "I get it! Why don't you go to the palace for me?" He asked with a smile.

"Huh?" I blinked. He leaned near my face and I blushed a little. "Just say that you're Pendragon's girlfriend and that your boyfriend is so cowardly that he's afraid to show his face! Maybe then Madam Sulliman will finally give up on me!"

His smile could illuminate a thousand stars, and maybe I would have said yes at that moment, but a sudden sigh behind the door made me realise the dilemma I was in. "I-" I screamed. "Girlfriend?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "I'm really sorry, Howl, but I don't think I'm the right person for the job," I rambled. "Why don't you ask Sophie? I'm nobody special! Who is Madame Sulliman?"

He shook his head and pulled me close to him, to which I froze, his fingers scratching to return the hug. "It has to be you," he whispered in my ear, causing chills to work their way up my spine. "Howl, I-"

"Come on, (Y/N). What's the problem?" He begged.

'I can't tell him Sophie likes him! 'I panicked. "I only think it will be... less um productive? if you send me! I'm not good at lying. Not that Sophie is good at lying, it's just that she's calmer and more composed! Not that I can't do the same, it's just... I... "I looked at the door to avoid your questioning look. Sighling a little, he wrapped himself in a blanket and took the card off his desk, dragging his feet to open the door.

Markl held Sophie's cane and she angrily stuck her hat on top of her head, her back stiff. "Take care of him, Markl," she hissed, then looking towards me. I turned around to pretend I was washing the dishes. "Good luck," Calcifer said of his pile of logs. Sophie reached out to the door, changing it from green to red when Howl suddenly landed gently next to her; wrapping her arms around her fragile shape and placing a small ring on her index finger.

I watched it from the sink and smiled. 'I should be happy. So why is my heart so bittersweet? '

"This spell will ensure your safe return," he said. Sophie choked a little and turned to find her look, her features now softer and looking younger. "Don't worry, I'll go after you in disguise. Now, go!" He opened the door and pushed it out gently.

When the door closed, I realised that the sink was starting to fill too much and turned it off quickly.

"Why are you so distracted, huh?" A voice blew in my neck.

"Nothing", I stared at the window outside. "Nothing at all..."

- y'all ........... I updated again awzhgkmdnmwkdnn.
N e wayz I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter
Have a good day/night ❤️

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