Chapter 7

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The days passed and the wedding is tomorrow.

Thanks Merlin I couldnt stand Angelina anymore.

I dont know if she was stressed or something but one second she was happy and other she was crying.

But she is one of my best friends and I need to be here for her.

Today the girls will have a sleepover party at DeAnna's.

She has the most beautiful garden I've ever seen so the wedding will be there too.

When the last one of us arrives ( Katie obviously ) we meet at DeAnna's room.

"So girls guess who has a date?" Katie says excitedly.

" Let me guess... You?" Angelina says sarcastically

"Yes!! Remember Roberto? He asked me out! As I told you I didnt scared him." she says

"Sure you didn't" Hermione says

Katie punches her slightly and we all laugh.

"C'mon it's Angelina's last single night! Are we going to just stay here and chat?" I say

"Why don't we play Truth or Dare" DeAnna suggests

"DeAnna we dont know anything about muggle games. Traduce please" Katie says

DeAnna explains the game and we all accept.

I would like to do something different but its okay.

"Soo I start!" Angie says " Ginny truth or dare?"

Oh great.

"Okay, okay truth. Be careful with what you ask because my wand is here with me and I dont want to hex you." I warn

"Okay an easy one. What was the worst prank the twins ever pulled on you?" She asks

I dont really like to talk about it but now its done.

"Okay you asked for it... When I was younger I had a boyfriend. George and Fred hated him. I never found out why, I guess they were just being stupid. Well one day he asked me out and I said yes. They putted a crazy spell on my pillow so when I woke up my hair was all green. Then they hexed my tongue so I couldn't move it. Lets just say that now there is a certain wizard living in England that thinks I'm a foreign troll." I say slightly embarassed.

They all burst out laughing and I blush.

I really liked that guy but of course I prefer Harry.

We played for hours and it was surprisingly fun.

But we have to stop when Angelina asks to go to the bathroom.

We stay there and chat for a long time.

"So Hermione how is it to date my annoying brother?" I ask her.

"Well he has the emotional range of a teaspoon, but he is super sweet and I love him." she answers "What about you DeAnna whats going on between you and Malfoy?"

She always blushes when we say his name.

I think its because she thinks we still hate him.

Its true but whatever.

"We fight sometimes, when he starts bragging about his blood status. But he can be very romantic and nice to people he likes." she answers

"Girls Angelina has been in the bathroom for a long time don't you think?" Katie asks with a worried tone

"I'll check on her" I say while standing up.

I get out of the room and walk trough the corridor towards the bathroom.

When I'm close I hear low sobs from the other side of the door.

Why is she crying?

"Angie are you okay?" I ask


"Okay you asked for it I'm coming in." I warn "Alohomora"

I enter and see Angelina sitting on the floor with her head on her knees.

"Angelina whats happening? Why are you crying?" I ask

So many questions.

She starts sobbing again.

"Shush dont cry. Just talk to me" I say gently

"Y-y-you dont understand" she cries

If she told me maybe I could understand.

I sit next to her and hug her.

"I-I c-can't marry George." she says between sobs.

"Oh Angie you are having doubts about the wedding?" I ask "Dont worry you ar-..."

She interrupts me.

"I dont have doubts I love him and I know he loves me too."

"Then why can't you marry him?" I ask puzzled

She breaks the hug and looks at me in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant Ginny"

Hey potterheads❤️
How are you all? Who's excited for 2016??? New Harry Potter movie!!! 169 reads say whaaat?
Thanks very much for reading this and for supporting me😘
What do you think about Emma being 'belle' in the movie "beauty and the beast"?
I think she is perfect for the role!
Please leave your suggestions here----------->
Your favorite part of the book so far? ----------------->
Please give me some feedback and comment its really important to me
Thanks again for everything
Sophia's out


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