A Date at the Pool?

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Last time, Ayanokouji had a little chat with Haruka, Which they accorded to meet the next day, And Haruka oblied him to bring Hiyori too, so that day...

"Are you sure you want me to meet your friends Kiyotaka? " Hiyori smiled as she held his hand

"yes, they want to meet you, or at least talk, since you already met them " Ayanokouji said, Hiyori's hand was quite warm and soft, and he was starting to think of something more when he is with Hiyori, maybe finally he feels something

"kiyopon here! " Haruka says as she saw the couple walking towards them , Akito and Yukimura waved, as Sakura just looked down

"Hey guys, sorry for not meeting during these days, let's say I was kind of... Busy" Ayanokouji says as he sits down and Hiyori sat next to him

Haruka looked at Sakura for some seconds and introduced herself, as the others did, thought Sakura was keeping distances "So! How did it happen? " the one saying that was Akito, looking at Ayanokouji and Hiyori

Some hours passed, as Hiyori got to know better the Ayanokouji group, and was now friends with Haruka and even Sakura started to talk more to her, of course she was feeling bad, but she wouldn't jealousy to get on the way

"see you around Kiyopon! Hiyori! " Haruka smiled as she left with the rest of the group, she already called Hiyori by her name, and she was welcomed to the group

"Your group of friends its quite funny" Hiyori giggles as she was following kiyotaka, clinging into his arm and hugging it

"Your group of friends its quite funny" Hiyori giggles as she was following kiyotaka, clinging into his arm and hugging it

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"yeah you can say that twice... " Ayanokouji was looking at the front while walking, though he looked at his girlfriend time to time

"hey Kiyotaka, want to go to the pool tomorrow? I mean, a date to the pool, the weather is getting hotter these days" she says as Kiyo thought about it for a bit and nodded

After that, they accorded to meet the next day in front of the public pool, Hiyori saying goodbye with a Kiss on the cheek,which made ayanokouji to flinch a bit and leave, and the next day, ayanokouji was waiting for her at the entrance of the swimming pool

"kiyotaka! " Hiyori hugged Ayanokouji from behind, her objective that day was to make his face to give her a reaction, just a blush or a smile or whatever was enough for her

"Hey there Hiyori" Ayanokouji says patting her head, Hiyori just pouted and pulled away from the hug "Ready to go? "

Hiyori nodded as she walked to the changing rooms "I'll see you outside Kiyo" she went into the changing rooms so Ayanokouji did the same

After getting changed into a casual swimsuit, ayanokouji walked out of the changing rooms and got a deck chair where the two of them would fit, and sat down to wait for Hiyori "That's done"

"Kiyotaka I'm here" Hiyori walked towards ayanokouji, who stared at her for some seconds, he was surprised, Hiyori changed her hair style for the pool and got a good bikini

"Hey there Hiyori, you look good" Ayanokouji just had his common poker face, thought for some reason he still didn't understand, his heart was beating faster

"Hey there Hiyori,  you look good" Ayanokouji just had his common poker face, thought for some reason he still didn't understand, his heart was beating faster

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"T-thanks.... Now let's go! " She smiled holding his hand and jumping into the pool, just thinking of having a good time

That day, Ayanokouji and Hiyori just spent time at the pool, playing in the water, just swimming calmly, or they joined class B and part of their class for a volleyball match, and after that, in the afternoon , almost the time when the pool closes

"Kiyotaka, thanks for today" Hiyori smiled as she was sitting on his lap while they were having something to drink, that was a cute scene

"No problem, days like this time to time are good for a couple" Ayanokouji was also having a drink, but he was also focused, he had Hiyori on his legs and any movement could end up on a bad way

"Kiyotaka" Hiyori said making ayanokouji to look at her, as she grabbed Ayanokouji's cheek and almost kissed him, but she just couldn't that was too embarrassing "Nothing forget it! " she says with her hands on her bright red cheeks

Ayanokouji looked at Hiyori, understanding what she wanted "Hiyori , look here" Ayanokouji said as Hiyori did that, and at that moment, their lips crashed into a kiss

Hiyori was surprised and at First she just stayed there, but at the end, she hugged ayanokouji and kissed back, just a normal kiss nothing far "I... " at first she wanted to give him the kiss, but that didn't go as she wanted "Love you"

Ayanokouji felt his lips curving a bit for a moment, but maybe it was his imagination, but Hiyori was looking at him surprised "I love you too" he didn't know if that was absolutely true, but he was starting to feel something more

"I got you a reaction I won! " Hiyori jumped happy as it was time to go, as the pool was closing "sad I didn't have the time. For a photo of that smile but... " hiyori got her phone and hugged ayanokouji, just to take a selfie together of that day

After that, The two of them got changed and walked back to the dorms, Ayanokouji left Hiyori on hers, as she said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, she was still too shy for the lips, and ayanokouji walked back to his room and laid on the bed

"I have to think of a way , to not go back to that place and have a peaceful life after school" Ayanokouji said as he looked at the photo, going back to the white room was never an option, but this time he had a reason


End of the chapter! Today I just wanted to give the couple some moments before a chapter that would take just the new sports festival which will be the next one

Anyways did you like the chapter? I wish I knew how to draw for some scenes

And well, see you on next chapter!

Classroom of the Elite: Ayanokouji x HiyoriWhere stories live. Discover now