Do it now, remember it later.

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Rian and I walked into Zee's room and saw a circle of people on his floor I recognised all of them as people from school that is apart from one guy who was sat next to Zacks cousin. Tyler I think. He was cute. Not Tyler, the one he was sat next to. He had brown hair with a blond streak running through it under a black beanie, a Fall out boy shirt covering his torso, nice. And skinny jeans which looked painted on, since they were so tight. He was checking me out so he didnt notice me checking him out, bonus. I pretended not to notice and went and sat in the space next to him. I noticed him tense up and smirked to myself, success.

"Hey." I heard from next to me. I looked in the direction and saw that the guy was smiling at me. "H-hey." I stuttered. Way to play it cool gaskarth, I thought. Blame the drugs and the alcohol in my system. He grinned at me. "Im Jack, what's your name, cutie?" He asked me. Damn he was forward. My cheeks flamed, "Nice to meet you Jack, I'm Alex." I said flustered. "Nice name, Alex." He said making even more blood rush to my face. "Dude. Hello?" Tyler said and smacked my arm. I looked over to him and he passed me the drugs that were slowly intoxicating me. I looked at it again hesitating slightly before I inhaled the not so nice smoke thinking to myself do it now, remember it later. Before I turned to pass it too Jack who muttered a "thanks" and took a long drag. Im so glad he wasn't in the room to witness me choke, that would have made it all the more embarrassing. I felt a little weird actually. I giggled out of nowhere and suddenly feel a little tired but happy at the same time. The other of the two joints found its way to Jack and he took a hit before passing it to me and giggling making me grin. I took it and passed it straight to Tyler. I like to think I know when to stop. Jack poked my upper arm making me turn to look at him. "Hey, do you wanna go and get a drink? It's getting a little stuffy in here." He asked. "Sure." I smiled, I was getting way too hot in here, and a drink seemed like a good idea.

Jack stood up and held his hand out to me and pulled me up. We left the room and I instantly felt better, and less lightheaded. We walked down the stairs and into the huge kitchen, Jack handed me a can of beer got himself one. "Thanks." I said opening it. "So Alex tell me about yourself." He smiled.
"Um theres not much to tell." I said laughing a little before taking a sip of my cold beverage and cringing at the taste. "I'm 16, I love fall out boy" I said gesturing to my band shirt. "Blink 182 and green day. I play guitar, I'm not very good though and I'm obsessed with pizza. What about you?" I continued. "You seem cool Alex. Im 18 and basically completely the same as you except I've been playing guitar for six years so I'm kind of good at it." He laughed. "Awesome. So you have to agree with me that the music playing tonight is pretty bad?" I grinned. "Hell yeah." He laughed. He's so gorgeous wow. "Thank you. You're pretty gorgeous too." He said. I said that out loud oh god way to go self. "Yes you did." He said laughing. I facepalmed. "Im sorry, I'm not great at keeping my thoughs in my brain." I laughed. "No problem Lex." He chuckled. We talked for a while about random things, including our favourite pizza tippings, tattoos and how cool our hair is, before taking a few beers and moving to one of the guest bedrooms to get away from the music.

After an hour of joking around and drinking we were both pretty out of it. "That movie is ridiculous." I said laughing when Jack told me that his favourite movie is Home Alone. He gasped and put a hand over his heart feigning hurt. I laughed more and he started tickling me. "No, I'm sorry!" I laughed. He grinned. "Say home alone is the best movie ever and I'll stop." He laughed. I'm incredibly ticklish so I gave in immediately. "Okay! Okay, home alone is the best movie ever." I said gasping and laughing. He grinned "I know it is, I'm glad you've come to your senses." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at the idiot. I looked at him and noticed he was staring at my lips. I gulped. "Jack?" I asked. "Yeah sorry, thinking. Whats up?" He replied after about a minute. "Are you okay?" I questioned. He seemed lost in thought and I got a delayed reaction again before he made eye contacted let out a quick "Yup." And crashed his lips to mine.
I froze against him, I've never kissed a boy before, I mean I've never kissed anyone before. When I didn't kiss back Jack pulled away looking shocked by his own actions and immediately started apologising. I sat still for a second and just blinked before focusing on what Jack was saying. "-knew i shouldn't have done that, I bet you dont even like guys. I'm sorry Alex. I'll um-" he rambled before I snapped out of whatever little trance I was in, deciding whatever happened tonight was for fun and that nothing mattered right now. So I pulled his face to mine and kissed him hard. He gasped and didnt respond for a half second, almost immediately he mived his hands to my waist and pulled me so I was sat in his lap, I moved my arms to around his neck to tangle my fingers in his crazy skunk like hair. The second I was on him, he pushed his tongue into my mouth massaging my own. I followed his lead brushing my tongue against his not quite sure what I was doing and realising there was no point trying to "battle for dominance" as Jack would hav- I was torn from my thoughts when Jack nipped my bottom lip gently before sucking on it for a second. I let out a small moan and Jack laughed slightly against my lips.

A/N hey guys sorry if theres any typos, I've checked it over but im tieed and couldve missed a couple. I'm typing on my tablet right now at 4:30am so yeah haha. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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