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Yeji could hear the sound of sirens blaring in the street beyond as her feet pounded down the pavement, her lungs stinging with the cold evening air. Her gut twisted more and more the closer she got, the red and blue flashing lights now visible in the distance.

Her brain kept replaying the message Ryujin had sent her a few minutes ago over and over. She wanted to deny the possibility of what it was implying but in her heart she knew it was real.

How could I let this happen? She thought as she neared her destination, fearing the worst.


It was almost exactly a year ago when she had first met Ryujin, a new flatmate in her university halls. Their rooms lay opposite each other and on the first day of term whilst Yeji was unpacking, she had accidentally tripped over her own feet. Her vision blocked by the box of books she was carrying, she crashed into a rather unsuspecting Ryujin, who was incidentally also carrying a large stack of books. Amongst the various embarrassed apologies and swift hands picking up the mess, Yeji had in the confusion mistakenly picked up one of Ryujin's textbooks and not noticed until she was unpacking the box later.

Once she'd noticed she immediately sprung off her bed to the door opposite her own. Yeji was very much a people person, so having a proper excuse to now introduce herself to the other girl made her heart swell excitedly. Fervently she knocked on the girl's door and heard a small, "Yes?" Before entering and hesitantly apologizing once again.

"I'm really sorry. I must have accidentally picked this up earlier." She said shyly, presenting the book to the other girl who looked at her blankly before taking it.

"Thanks, no need to apologize about earlier." She said flatly.

"Oh right, thanks." Yeji paused briefly. "I'm Yeji by the way." She stuck out her hand.

"Ryujin." Replied the other girl, hesitantly taking the hand and shaking it gently, an amused expression crossing her face.

"So how are you feeling about all this?" Yeji gestured to the air around her. "Uni?"

Ryujin pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders, her black hoodie practically engulfing the movement. "Don't know." Came the answer.

"I've been looking forward to it all summer." Yeji said brightly in answer to her own question. "So what course are you studying?" She tried, hoping the subject would be more engaging for the other.

"Photography." Ryujin said in a low tone, her eyes now wondering around the room before landing on Yeji and then the doorway.

"That's cool, I'm studying English." And Ryujin smiled dryly in response. Yeji felt the air in the room seem to thicken with the silence.

"Right well." Yeji patted her pockets, "I'd better get back, lots to unpack." She said with a smile and Ryujin nodded.

"I'll see you round." Yeji said with a wave exiting the room, the door clicking closed.

Yeji mentally facepalmed at how awkward the interaction had been but was glad she had at least said hello properly this time rather than forever be known as 'the girl who crashed into her and stole her book accidentally'.

As it happened Yeji did see Ryujin around, quite a lot in fact. They had, unbeknownst to each other, both signed up for the book club which met every Wednesday evening. After a two meetings of silent stares and awkward glances Yeji finally decided to ask Ryujin if she'd like to grab coffee with her one time. Yeji worried she might be pushing it too much given the other seemed to barely speak to anyone and only left her room for lectures and club meetings but much to her surprise the younger had shrugged and nodded a quick "Ok."

So a few days later on Friday there they sat in the university coffee house, both sipping their drinks and occasionally glancing at each other before Yeji stirred herself to attempt a conversation.

"So Photography huh, what made you choose that?" She asked, trying to sound both interested and yet nonchalant at the same time. She guessed it must have worked as Ryujin then put down the coffee cup and sighed, staring out the window before answering slowly.

"The world is full of hidden art that people fail to notice. Photography allows you to capture what natures paints."

Yeji stared shocked. "Wow, are you quoting someone? That sounded like some sort of philosophical sound bite I should write down."

Ryujin huffed through her nose, amused. "What about you?" She asked quietly, now looking at Yeji. "I mean, why did you chose your course?"

"Well," Yeji said taking a sip of her coffee. "My reason is way less profound than yours." And Ryujin shook her head, looking abashed. "Basically I just love books. I don't know if you've noticed my kind of obnoxious passion at the club, although I feel you'd have to be blind not to."

And Ryujin hummed in agreement. "Why do you love books so much then?" She asked, curiosity darting from her eyes.

"I just love the fact you can escape into a whole different world. You can immerse yourself in someone else's creativity and find relatability in characters or situations that are totally opposite to your own!" Yeji smiled as she spoke, getting lost in her thoughts. "Sorry, I shouldn't get too carried away." She joked.

"I don't mind." Came the reply.

She looked back at Ryujin and gasped internally, the girl had a wide smile spread across her face and tiny little whisker dimples etched into her cheeks as she did. Yeji thought it was the prettiest smile she'd ever seen. In her temporary panic Yeji nearly knocked over the her coffee cup as she reached to pick it up, a yelp escaping her. Fortunately Ryujin's hand snapped into action and held it steady before any of the contents could spill.

"Thank you." Yeji said quickly, feeling her cheeks heating up, embarrassed at her clumsiness. "You have fast reflexes." Ryujin shrugged.

"So..." Yeji spoke again once she'd calmed down a bit and drunk some more of her nearly-but-not-yet-spilled coffee. "You obviously like books too, given you're part of the book club, so I have to ask. What's you're favourite book?"

Ryujin hummed and scrunched her face in concentration. "I'm not sure." she said finally. "It would probably take me hours to decide. But I like darker genres generally."

"Funny that. I would never have guessed." Yeji said tilting her chin towards the other girl.

Ryujin looked down at her grey hoodie and black tracksuit trousers before staring back at Yeji with an eyebrow raised.

"Well what's your favourite book?" She asked. Yeji beamed at the question finishing her coffee and embarking on her long and involved answer.

And that's how they spent the next few hours, chatting on and on about books and authors, Yeji managing most of the talking with Ryujin occasionally chipping in and asking questions. Before too long they both had lectures again and reluctantly said their goodbyes.

The Sound Of Sirens (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now