III- Natalie's Salon

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So uh, it's been a little while lmao cuz my writing schedule is all over the place and my dumbass decided to have this book, the groupchat story and another in progress at the same time as well as jobs and stuff, however I am here and without further ado......

Natalie's Salon origin story 😎

Waiting in line to be called up for Sydney Academy of Hair's graduation ceremony, Natalie reflected over the past year and a half of rigorous training. Majoring in the K Howard look was a rough decision, but she had perfected it and was ready to show the world her talent. She had sent multiple applications to work at world class salons and barbers and hairdressers across Australia and got an interview for a few, but she didn't feel like it was enough for her. She needed to go bigger. That was why she was setting up her own business: Natalie's Salon.

"Natalie Paris, major in K Howard." The officiate called out and the woman stood, walking over to the stage to receive her diploma. She thanked the officiate and walked off the stage and over to her family, and best friend, Maiya, who owned a catering business.

The two friends hugged and smiled at each other.
"Took a lot to get here, huh?" Maiya chuckled earning an elbow in the side from the older woman. "By the way, you got faxed today."
"Seriously? From who?" Natalie frowned, no one seemed to use faxing anymore, it was more the brand new telephone communications. Brand new to the 60s at least.
"Some Scottish person." Maiya shrugged.
"Oh cool, a neighbour of yours then." Natalie chuckled.
"I'm not Scottish! I'm English!" the shorter woman pouted. "Anyway, she was asking if she could do the marketing work for the salon."
"Wow, I haven't even opened it yet." Natalie laughed and took her seat next to her mother.

Soon the ceremony was over so Maiya and Natalie were heading back to their shared apartment. They weren't having a massive party or anything to celebrate the graduation- the ceremony was enough for Natalie.
"So, what do you think about this marketing offer?" Maiya asked, getting some snacks out of the cupboard and dumping them on the coffee table while Natalie scrolled through Netflix.
"I feel like Scotland is too far." Natalie frowned. "And I have nowhere near enough money to be hiring employees as of yet. Let alone people from so far away."
"Maybe tell her that," Maiya suggested. "Or say that you'll contact her when you're able and ready to take her on?"
Natalie nodded and laughed as Maiya let herself fall on the sofa next to her.
"Of course."


"This is cool." Maiya looked around in the small house that she and Natalie had bought together to turn into the salon. It was fairly basic for now; an empty 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house but once the renovations were done, it would be amazing. Maiya would use the upstairs for her catering business while also serving Natalie's customers downstairs.

"Isn't it though?" Natalie grinned. "Now we just need to work on the renovations. Luckily we can start on the bathrooms today while we wait for the builders to come and get rid of the walls."
Maiya nodded and ran over to the stairs, eager to look at her future workspace. Chuckling, Natalie followed her as she peered around the rooms, imagining what the finished product would be.

"I can't believe this is finally happening." Maiya grinned, turning to face her friend.


It had been a month and a half since Natalie had opened her salon, and business was going incredible.
Natalie was closing up shop as Maiya was snacking on the food she was handing out earlier.
"You gonna help me?" Natalie laughed at her shorter friend, throwing the broom at her. Maiya rolled her eyes and began sweeping up the hair left on the floor.
After about half an hour later, the two finished and Natalie was locking up when a pigeon glided down towards the pair.

"Is that..." Maiya's jaw dropped. "Stan the pigeon?"
"I think so." Natalie gasped. "He's not very hard to mistake."
The pigeon perched on the fence, dropping a small telegram in Natalie's hand. The blonde opened it and started reading.
"It's from that Scottish lady again." Natalie chewed on her lip. "I mean, it can't hurt to take her on I guess. We've already got a few employees."
"Oh yeah, Jaye'J and Lexi." Maiya smiled. "But I guess they're more suppliers than anything. We only really pay them for what they supply us with."
Natalie shrugged, picking up her bag again and beginning to make her way home.


"I'm so glad you are willing to take me on." Millie, the Scottish woman had finally come to meet Natalie and Maiya in the salon. "I think you'll find that my training at Guilford School of Acting in the technical department is very advanced."
"I'm glad." Natalie smiled. She was working on one of her newer customers- a woman called Aimie. She'd requested her specialty- the K Howard look.

Carrying a tray with snacks, Maiya came over to the three and offered a few out.
"Nat, just so you know," the English woman smiled at her friend. "I've got a new employee who's working upstairs. Her name is Grace and she's going to be my head chef."
"Awesome." Natalie finished the fifth braid and gathered Aimie's hair into a ponytail. "Is she nice?"
"Yeah!" Maiya placed her tray down, sitting on a spare seat beside them. "She's created these cookies that look like chocolate but aren't. And she's also taught me how to cleanse the soul."
"And how do y-"

"Cleanse the soul!" A woman appeared at the foot of the stairs and within a few seconds an orange hit the back of Natalie's head.
The blonde whipped around to face Grace. Gulping, Maiya backed up. Her new employee was about to receive the wrath of Natalie Paris.

What this was- I don't know. But yeh. If you want a second part let me know
As always it's for SomeGayHuman x

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