XXX- Books are better than people

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Requested by HenrySucks . Parrleyn :) This is a short one I'm sorry I've been so busy it's taken me so long to get to this.

Anne sank into the sofa, wondering when the hell her girlfriend was going to wake up. Not that she minded that Cathy was sleeping- in fact she was glad. It meant that she wasn't so dependent on coffee to keep her awake.
Her mind drifted to the pile of Cathy's books that were hidden in a box under her bed. She had taken them so Cathy couldn't wake up in the middle of the night and use reading as an excuse to stay awake. Yet Cathy hadn't woken in the night so Anne decided to just leave them there.

"Anne do you wanna go to the new aquarium in town?" Kat plonked herself next to Anne. "Anna won't come with me. She says the sharks scare her."
"Sure." Anne laughed at the idea that Anna was scared of sharks. As if she had any idea of sharks! More people were killed by cows every year than sharks! That was a fact Anne lived by.
"You're driving." Kat stood up and raced to Anne's car, grinning at her achievement. "And you're paying."
Anne trailed behind and chuckled. Typical of her cousin to rope someone into something they didn't want to do. Not that Anne didn't like driving. It was more that most of the queens didn't trust Anne's driving.

They were at the aquarium in practically no time- Anne had definitely broken some speeding laws. But she hadn't been pulled over so she counted that as a win.
"Come on." Kat was pulling her arm. "I want to see the seals!"
Anne laughed and practically ran to keep up with her hyperactive cousin.


"Anne!" Kat half shouted, running to a tank containing clownfish. "Look at the mini Nemos!"
"Kat," Anne laughed as she was pulled with her. "You're shouting again. Remember it makes the fish sad."
"Oh yeah." Kat watched the fish swim around. "Sorry Nemos."
"They could be Marlins." Anne half laughed.
"I'm still only apologising to the Nemos." Kat turned to face Anne. "Marlin was a bad dad."
Anne laughed at the serious expression on Kat's face.
"Let's go find Dory then." she encouraged Kat away from the clownfish. Kat made a bolt for it and Anne just decided to walk. Kat had made it to the angel fish tank when Anne's phone rang. Catalina.

"Where the fuck did you put your girlfriend's books?" was what blasted through the phone as soon as she answered. Anne pulled the phone away from her ear, checking that it wasn't on speaker.
"Lina everyone can hear you, you don't need to shout." Anne sighed.
"Take me off speaker then, idiot." Anne could almost see Lina rolling her eyes.
"You're not on speaker, you're just being very loud." Anne sighed.
"Oh." Catalina huffed. "Well, get back here and give your girlfriend back her books because she is going insane."
"I'm out with Kat," Anne shrugged. "I can't leave her."
"Bring her back then!" Was the indignant reply. "Cathy is going to kill someone if we don't find her books!"


"Ugh finally you're back." Lina grabbed Anne's arm the instant the pair arrived back at the house. "Where are they?"
"Under my bed." Anne sighed. "I thought you would have looked there anyway."
Practically shoving Anne back, Lina raced upstairs, leaving Kat confused as fuck.
"What is going on?" She asked, eyes still locked on the stairs.
"Nothing," Anne hummed. "I just had something she needed."
I mean... it wasn't a complete lie.
"Oh." Kat nodded, noticing Anna in the living room for the first time and leaving Anne to sit with her.

Anne raced upstairs the moment she was free of her cousin to find herself face to face with her glowering girlfriend, arms full of the missing books.
"Don't touch my books again." She huffed and clutched her books to her chest, any hint of tiredness replaced with pure fury. "Or I'll never buy you monster again."
"Fine." Anne looked down, shifting from foot to foot. "I just wanted you to sleep more and I couldn't think of any other way."
"Fine." Cathy mumbled reluctantly. "Just don't touch them again. Only cuz I need cuddles."
Anne had to fight a smile at how adorable that last sentence was.
"Come on then." Anne led Cathy back to her bedroom. "Cuddles for you coming right up."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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