Chapter 20

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Image Credit: @Bloodmoon_night on

Following the lockdown and search for the missing file, we knew that the time of escape was getting closer. I know Phil said not to trust Techno, but I can't help but notice the small, solemn glances he gives Tommy. I want to talk to him.

"Hey Ran?" I hear him hum in acknowledgement before I continue, "Mind hanging out in your unit for a little bit? I need to talk to Techno about something and I think he'll be more receptive to just me over both of us. Don't worry, I'll stay in your line of sight." He releases a sigh before placing his hand on the scanner of his unit and entering, sitting just on the other side of glass staring up at me intently. I give him a small smile to reassure him before scanning for Techno. I see him staring into Tommy and Tubbo's unit, as I've seen him do a lot the past few weeks.

"Hey Techno, can I talk to you for a second?" He gives a short nod and begins walking over. I slide to the ground outside Ran's unit and pat the ground next to me. He slumps against the glass and slides to the ground with a thud.

"I think I know what you want to talk about. I know you've noticed it," he said sadly. I look at him confused. 

"What do you mean?" He lets out a light laugh.

"Tommy. I know you've seen me watching him. That's what you want to talk about, isn't it?" He moves his head slightly so we make eye contact before I nod slowly. He releases a sigh.

"He wasn't always.. what he is now. I know Phil told you he was found that way. I don't remember much, but I remember enough. His name was Theseus. He was my brother. I've slowly been remembering things since the lockdown. I don't know why. But I know I need to get him out of here. Eret did horrible things to me, but Theseus is the first man-made non-hybrid SCP Eret made. He keeps that hidden, mostly because it wouldn't go over well that he transformed an 8-year-old into that, but I promise you it's true. I don't want to imagine what he did to him. With any luck, he doesn't remember most of it, he doesn't remember me." I slowly place my hand on his shoulder before removing it and standing, extending my hand to him.

"Come on, Techno." He looks at me confused before taking my hand and standing. I drag him to Tommy and Tubbo's unit, placing my hand on the scanner before entering with him following behind. A few moments later we're standing inside the glass box, bees surrounding us instantly and 2 pairs of eyes stare at us closely. Tommy stands and slowly walks towards Techno and I.

"I think you'd be surprised with how much Tommy remembers, Techno. He's been through a lot. His eyes tell a story." He looks at me with wide eyes as Tommy continues walking towards us. I offer him a small smile before tilting my head towards the blonde teen walking towards us. He looks to Tommy and the teen breaks into a jog, quickly closing the remaining space between us before running into Techno's chest, gripping onto the older hybrid tightly. I hear the sobs wracking the young boy body and give a small smile to Techno before waving Tubbo over and exiting the unit, walking back to Ranboo's.

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